Minas morgul pre-orders and information

The next expansion will take us to the lands of the Morgul Vale. The old gondorian city of Minas ithil or Morgul as orcs now call it. The pre-orders are up and use the same pricing as the Mordor expansion. The first possible release date given by SSG is 29th of october with the 7 3, 6 and raid instances following in later patches.

The 80$ version is could be good with a Valar if you’re planning on it . The 130$ is for the people that know they will want everything. But the base version of 40$ includes the new stout-axe race as well as a character slot.

To avoid paying double taxes for EU players. Change the language setting in the topright to Non-US

The Lotropoint version will be on sale in March for

  • Base Edition (includes the Minas Morgul Region & Instances only): 2495 Points
  • Stout-axe Dwarf: 1000 Points

Not available atm, but if you (pre-)order the Stout-axe race is available as of now.

A small landscape trailer has been released that shows you some of the, well, landscapes

Pre-order informatio – http://lotro.com/en/minasithil/

For full FaQ – https://www.lotro.com/en/game/articles/lord-rings-online-%E2%80%93-minas-morgul-expansion-frequently-asked-questions-faq

Minas Morgul pointers

The minas morgul XP-earring doesn’t stack with the Mordor High elf earring, but has a higher level limit.

The “Mordor Besieged” portion will be explained/shown in the coming weeks.

The aura package should have provided 3, if you’re missing some please contact our support team. “SSG”




3 thoughts on “Minas morgul pre-orders and information”

  1. It looks they added Valar boost on pre-order page to $80 edition. Good move since without it there were basically just few cosmetics more than in basic version…

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