Update 24.2.1 – The Depths of Kidzul-kâlah

A new update and accompanied downtime today for Update 24.2.1  – The Depths of Kidzul-kâlah

  • New 6-man instance
  • Elf-token Vales daily barter options
  • New cosmetics can be found for barter on Rowan Raspberry
  • Fixed and bugged overzealous dwarfs
  • Hedghehogs have downsized

Full patchnotes below or at this link

New Fellowship Instance: The Depths of Kidzul-kâlah now available!

A flooded dwarf fortress, a mysterious Maid, a darkness in the depths. Do you have what it takes to defeat the monster within the mines?

This instance is now available in Solo, Duo, and 6-player Modes, with 3 tiers of difficulty to challenge Fellowships! The deed and associated title: The Depths of Kidzul-kâlah — Tier3 — Leading the Charge will be available through 9/12/2019.


  • Hithril, Protector of the Vales, has new items available to barter for Vales – Elf Tokens.
  • Armour, jewellery, and weapons received from the Adventurer’s Quartermaster and found in the Adventurer’s Steel-bound Lootbox now have a base item level 380, up from 376.
  • New cosmetics can be found for barter on Rowan Raspberry and in the Adventurer’s and Traveller’s Steel-bound Lootboxes. This includes Wild Hills war-steed cosmetics, Sunset Hills avatarcosmetics, little pig pets, and a new Pig Pen housing item.
  • The Hedgehog Burrow can now be placed in a small yard hook.

Quests and Other Adventure Areas

  • Instances that scale to Tier 3 and above will now properly award marks and medallions when bosses are defeated.
  • Vales of Anduin: Wandering Lostlights were accidentally spawning elites and elite masters. They should now be spawning the correct monster.
  • Caverns of Thrumfall: Dwarves should no longer be attacking the stalagmites during the solo/duo Etterfang fight.
  • Various stuck spots have been corrected in Angmar.
  • A visual issue with a Lhingris rock has been corrected, along with some stuck spots and a now-grounded resource node.
  • A missing platform has been added to Thikil-gundu.
  • Fixed a stuck spot in Udun.
  • NPCs and mobile objects will no longer be incorrectly tagged as scions in Grey Mountains tier 4 & 5 instances.


  • Resolved an issue causing some text in the French client to display in English.

Known Issues

  • Caverns of Thrumfall: One of the dwarves on the solo/duo Etterfang fight does not attack Etterfang at all.


One thought on “Update 24.2.1 – The Depths of Kidzul-kâlah”

  1. “Wandering Lostlights were accidentally spawning elites and elite masters”

    I just thought they really wanted to punish us for touching those things.

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