George had always wanted to visit his old friend Bearlee in it’s hometown. With the Misty mountains passage into the Vales now open he took the downtime to go strawling across Rivendell, but it seemed Elrond had already left. George astounded, “thought he would never leave that library of his”.

The journey wasn’t all pleasure. Something was brewing in the Shire and it wasn’t the inn-league this time.

Hey Arnold, where can i find Noffer. The vales is big place! Bearlee only mentioned a cave and the bees. George thought he could just ask his family. Surely they had seen him.

Weeks before George arrived the trouble was already there.

Noffer knew he would need to bluff. The hobbit-holes were ravaged Sharkey left a now desolate waste-land of mud, gladden and swamps. Not sure if Vinny made it that far of the tracks, but he’d have to take the gamble.
The old peace-treaty that divided the world of Middle-earth was about to falter. Neither side was looking for a war. It served its purpose for decades. Pigs were safe in the Shire and the hobbits had their own little corner of the Vales. Protected from boars and other creatures for ages.
Myths had turned into legends and noone remembered the Great-turtle march that ravaged the hobbit population in the Vales. But for now he had to make aN offer Vinny couldn’t refuse.