Not friend, nor foe, none foul nor clean
Shall keep from us the jewels. We mean
That neither Morgoth, Vala bright,
Or Dark Lord brood from hellish night,
Or race of gods, or strong Maia,
Or whatsoever other power:
Man unborn yet on Middle Earth,
Or other race whatever worth,
Nor law, nor love, nor league of sword,
Nor armies gathering afterward
Shall keep from High King Fëanor:
His jewels. We shall wage brutal war
On all who take a Silmaril.
Vengeance to all! And at our will
We deal him death. Thus so we swear:
Whoso a Silmaril shall wear
And not return – woe to World’s end!
This Oath we swear. Let Eru send
Our souls to utter dark if we
Fail ought this Oath and utterly
Extinguish us! Hear us Eru!
We swear by holy mountain, true
Bear us as witness. Hear our vow!
By Manwë’s name, by Varda, Thou
Recall to mind this Oath we swear!
Ilúvatar our Oath now hear!
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