[CC] 64 bit client and other U24 short guides

[CC] 64 bit client and other U24 short guides post thumbnail image

A few quickfire answers to 64 bit client. And other updates coming with todays Update 24 for lotro. For the full patchnotes visit the forums by this link. This update will come with a downtime

The LOTRO game worlds will be unavailable from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) on Tuesday, June 4th to release Update 24: Vales of Anduin.

What does 64-bit client do?
Simply put, a 64-bit client is more capable than a 32-bit client, because it can handle more data at once. Mostly it can use more memory. They also updated some other code in the client. Of which we don’t know what.

The game most likely will run smoother at the same or allow higher graphic settings at the same pace. A lot of the crashes in lotro come from the game trying to use more memory then available. It now can if you have it available.

What the 64-bit client won’t do?
It won’t make the game look prettier in general. You can increase graphics without the previous risks and costs of crashes.
It won’t make fix all crashes, stutters and lag. It will only fix a good portion of the reasons it does.
Let a pc or laptop previously not able to run the game at all play it now.

How do i get or run the 64-bit client?

Once you update the client you will already have the client installed. You just need to enable it.

  1. At the place where you enter your username and password. Click the arrow at the top and select options
  2. In the general tab, at the bottom, select 64-bit client.
  3. Log in and play
    1. enjoy new frames
    2. Find issues and redo steps 1 and 2 and set the client back to 32-bit (it’s beta)

Where do i continue the Black book of Mordor?

If you have completed ‘Chapter 8.7: The First Promise,’ you can pick up Chapter 9 by speaking with Durin on the upper level of Skarháld.

How do i get to the Vales of the Anduin?
The suggested route is by following the Black book in Skarhald. Or start the questline at the Forest gate in Northern Mirkwood. Other ways to get there are

  • Forest gate in Northern Mirkwood (erys lasgalen)
  • North-east path from Misty mountains (north of the warg area)
  • North-east path from Lothlorien
  • Beorning racial Return home skill

Virtue quickbits
Open the Traits Panel with (J) to navigate to the redesigned Virtues tab to examine your Virtues, select an earning Virtue, and slot any Virtues you would like active.
All deeds now award virtue xp instead of a specific virtue. Select the one you want to focus on and let the spice flow.
If you just use 5 virtues like before it will be easier to get them maxed. All others provide a minor bonus passively, but not worth focusing on compared to gear or levels.
Nearly all values have changed so you will want to redo the 5 virtues you have.

Windows 10 screenshot place

Where are my screenshots?
You might find your screenshots from lotro in a slightly different place. The folder will be the same as before today’s update. But they won’t be named as the next highest number (Screenshotxxxx).

They will be using the screenshot_year_month_day_time_xxx. They will be at the top for most users.

Known Issues:
Quest – Good to Be Home – Some NPCs will initially be phased out (despite their quest rings appearing on the radar), but after certain quests are completed you’ll be able to advance this quest.
Quests – Befriending Critters – Knowledge of Taming items granted by Radagast during his Befriend Critters quests are missing text telling you not to remove the item from your inventory. Doing so will cause progress of the Tender of Beasts deed to be reset. Once both Tender of Beasts deeds are completed, the Knowledge of Taming items will be automatically removed from your inventory.
Quest – Dredging Up the Past – Sharkey’s Orders quest item is currently able to be destroyed, which it should not be. Removing the item from your inventory will cancel the quest and block you from progressing further in the region. Please do not destroy the item! It will be removed from your inventory upon quest completion.
Quest – Rhosgobel: Cleaning the Anduin / Rhosgobel: Cleaning the Tributaries – Some of the items needing to be fished for these quests require a higher fishing proficiency, and some can currently only be obtained from other regions.


5 thoughts on “[CC] 64 bit client and other U24 short guides”

  1. Very good article, thank you, explains most things that are new/changed with U24.
    I saw many people asking how to use 64bit client, also where is Durin is common question. You could even post his coordinates, since people often look after him in wrong place even knowing he is on upper level/top of Skarhald. I for once looked after him inside keep at first 🙂

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