Gondolin Falls

Fall of Gondolin


 Fall of Gondolin

Singing of “Crash and Burn”

One of the most beautiful and tragic stories in the Silmarillion is the rise and fall of Gondolin, the Hidden City established by Turgon. The betrayal of Gondolin to Melkor by Turgon’s own nephew, and the consequent city’s destruction, are narrated in fine epic style: it is with nail-biting intensity that we follow the escape of Tuor and Idril across mountains held by the enemy, to finally make their way south to the last hold-outs of the Noldor in Middle Earth.

So what kind of song would musically capture this story in an interesting and compelling way?

I gave it a shot by reworking the lyrics to Linkin Park‘s Burn it Down – which I thought captures well the reality of the city’s destruction, and the pathos of the fleeing survivors.


Matching Tune + Lyrics

The verses in Burn it Down are surprisingly light, instrumental verses: calling to mind the actions and flight of the story’s principal characters, Tuor and Idril.

The chorus, on the other hand, is much heavier musically than the verses: and much better adapted to communicate the universal destruction being visited upon the city-state of Gondolin.

I include the full lyrics to Fall of Gondolin below.

Fall of Gondolin


Gondolin was betrayed
As firestorms burned through the sky.
Memories never fade.
Safety no-one nowhere can find.


And they came to this turn
For Tuor and Idril know.


What Turgon built up
The Dark Lord breaks down.
What Turgon built up –
He’ll burn it down –
He can’t wait to burn it to the ground.


Maeglin was there in the end
As the flames leapt into the sky.
But he was overthrown.
Time to say farewell and goodbye.


Tuor came to this turn
Escaping the burning glow.
Idril and Eärendil
Must flee Gondolin and go.


Rap 1:

Maeglin prince was raised up high
Turgon believed – but he lived a lie.
He was nephew, Turgon his king.
Yet unfaithful when he kissed his ring.
Though raised up he would cast them down
Hoped betrayal would gain a crown.
But then he fell. He could not discern
All was over when Gondolin burns.

Br 1:

And they came to this turn
For Tuor and Idril know.


Rap 2:

Turgon’s dead. Gondolin falls.
No safety in hidden walls.


The Dark Lord will burn it to the ground.

Rap 3:

Noldor fled. Now Morgoth’s won.
All Midgard is overrun.


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