LOTRO Players News Episode 298: Death by Misadventure

This week we discussed learning to play an instrument in game and our week in LOTRO.

Game News

LOTRO Beacon Issue 103


  • You can use the code REWARD2019 to redeem your Appreciation Box as an apology for our extended downtime. This code will expire on April 30th and can only be used once per account.
  • LOTRO Bonus Days brings you The Spring Festival now through April 9th!


Store Sales


  • A Legendary Sale ! Get 25% off now through March 28th!
    • Legendary Level Cap Increase
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    • Scroll of Combination & Relic Removal Scroll
  • The Weekly Coupon gets you Universal Morale Potion x5 with coupon UNIMORALE now through March 28th!


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Cantarlina’s Corner: Elves and Dwarves



New Player Question

How do you go about learning an in-game instrument?




  • Made it into Mirkwood for the first time and helped a floating healer
  • Worked on leveling my Beorning and may have abused the Ferocious Roar skill just a little bit 🙂



  • Made it into Moria on Anor.
  • Died many times due to misadventure while raiding with PLOI on Landroval.
  • Left Edoras on Arkenstone with the field trip folks.



  • Axli Shingshing and friends finished Mirkwood!
  • Laurelin!Teriadwyn reached level 50 and headed to Eregion to open up Moria. Reached level 51 while doing expedition quests, and got her first LIs.



  • My Anor warden completed the level-45 class quest and reached Kindred with Thorin’s Hall. There are now only four factions I need to complete World Renown: the two in Enedwaith, Forochel, and Angmar.
  • My burglar gained a war steed
  • On Friday Night Fights, we ran several skirmishes.

News Beyond LOTRO



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This week we did not receive any reviews.

Featured Comments

Kalbradi of Crickhollow left a comment on last week’s episode:


Hopefully a simple question: Are there any websites, videos, podcasts y’all recommend for new players to help understand the basics of how each class works? I have been trolling through the old Academy podcasts while at work and was hoping to either have more material to look at or hear that those old podcasts still have relevance. (Episode 1 I would imagine is out of date for instance.)



This week we did not receive any emails.

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Final Thoughts

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One thought on “LOTRO Players News Episode 298: Death by Misadventure”

  1. Fun show, thank you! I just want to say how much fun I’ve been having on the legendary server while questing in Moria. And it’s all because of the Lotro community. I’ve lost count how many characters on all servers that are going through Moria, but this just feels different. Random players have been mailing me class LIs. It’s a slight exaggeration to say I salivate like Pavlov’s dogs when in-game mail arrives, but it is safe to say when new mail comes I do get excited. Other players have mentioned they have had the same experience. So that Delete button for unwanted class LIs is being ignored for now. It’s too much fun to mail someone else drops who can use them, especially when it’s a 2nd Ager. Take care & can’t wait for the big 300!
    Hobbit wave & hug,

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