LOTRO Players News Episode 297: Extra Battles in the Tower

LOTRO Players News Episode 297: Extra Battles in the Tower post thumbnail image

This week we discussed Update 23.4, swift travel, and our week in LOTRO.

Game News

Patch notes for 23.4

LOTRO Beacon Issue 102


Store Sales


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LOTRO Players News is brought to us by the Drums in the Deep!

LOTRO Players News

[CC] New pets, mounts and U24 rumors



New Player Question (Sent in by Kalbradi of Crickhollow)

Back with a new player question! Is swift travel only available in the starting zones? Or is there some way to unlock swift travel? If it is something you have to pay for like journeyman’s travel skill, is it locked to vip’s only like the magical everywhere mailbox or is there a way for me to make a one time purchase to unlock it?




  • Completed the 3-man instances from the Pelennor Fields battle with Grrlz of Middle-earth (Maven and Sans).
  • Axli and friends are almost ready to do Mirkwood skirmishes!
  • Picked up Laurelin Teriadwyn and am working through the epic Volume 1 storyline with the help of an old friend.



  • On Crickhollow, completed the 120 Harbinger deed. During a Battle in the Tower run, I managed to run into many more encounter mobs than expected.
  • On Gladden and Landroval, I completed the deed to kill all of the harbingers at least once.
  • On Anor, headed into the Misty Mountains and started skirmishing


News Beyond LOTRO

Daeron LoreMaster: Lost stanzas to “All the is gold”

Amazon series teases


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This week we did not receive any reviews.


Featured Comments

Barnabras On Our Last Episode

Ahhh the return of Timeleaf. We only see him twice a year.


Fin on Our Latest Episode

Another great episode! Had me laughing quite a bit. As far as what I, and my wife, did during the down/absent of game time. We spent it catching up on some movies and T.V. shows that we’ve been wanting to see. We watched Bohemian Rhapsody, which I highly recommend for anyone that is even a casual Queen fan. We also watched a few ST Voyager, and Enterprise episodes, since we have not seen them since they originally aired. (I know, boring, but you did ask your listeners to post what they did….) On another note….The new player question, Pineleaf explained the Buff stick of a captain pretty well, but sadly I have to add my 2 cents worth since my main for a long time was a cappy. Cappy’s can do all 3 trait lines well, and they are asked to do all 3 from time to time, so it pays to be prepared to do so. Up to level 115, I had sets of LI’s for Healing, Tanking and DPS’ing for my cappy. Not only the 3 weapons, and 3 Items, but I also needed 2 sets of Armour for him 1 for tanking, and 1 for healing and DPS. It was after Mordor that I decided I was not going to grind for all this anymore, and switched back to my Mini, (who was my original main, but I moved to Cappy cause my kin needed one more then Mini). But as Sanswinda noted, Mini’s need Multi Li’s also, but not as bad as Cappy’s. My mini can wear the same amour no matter what he is doing, but he needs Li’s for DPS, Healing, and in raiding a Buff LI. Only 2 weapons, Dps and Heals, and 2 Books, Healing and Buffing. Not as bad as a Cappy, but still a lot of work. This is of course if you want to raid, and be at least not the one to blame for multiple wipes do to bad gear….lol. All that said, you do not need to go crazy with your LI’s as Terri, and Pine both can tell you. This game is not only the best as far as it’s story lines go, but also in it’s balance of the casual player, as well as the crazy hard core player. Sorry for the over long post, I can ramble at times…



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Final Thoughts

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3 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 297: Extra Battles in the Tower”

  1. Concerning new player question…
    Swift travel is unlocked for all in starting zones only (with few exceptions, like some in Trollshaws). You need to buy VIP once to unlock them all permanently, it applies to all characters logged while VIP.
    There is store item for unlocking swift travels for an hour (they are also free when it’s active). I don’t remember how it’s named (something like …free passage…) and how much it cost, but you get one from those boxes you get each level at start.

    1. Do you have to have visited each location or is it an immediate unlock like the extra bag slots?

  2. Hopefully a simple question: Are there any websites, videos, podcasts y’all recommend for new players to help understand the basics of how each class works? I have been trolling through the old Academy podcasts while at work and was hoping to either have more material to look at or hear that those old podcasts still have relevance. (Episode 1 I would imagine is out of date for instance.)

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