Ever since the minstrel revamp changed the minstrels ways, the music industry is changing with them. Ever since the fourth age the preforming minstrel has become automated to a degree where any hobbit with a lute calls itself a musician these days
All minstrels have access to a Songbook. While it’s easier then learning an instrument it’s far too technical for fools of a Took or old grey wizards. Even with the Gandalf 2.0 white veneer upgrade it’s near impossible to reproduce that one song you heard on Shirestock TA 3001. That was until recently.
Songbook IV
We at “Isengard Industries Innovative Illuminated Instruments ” have introduced their new recording equipment to the public. While we’re mostly known for RGB minstrel jazzhands, we’re invested in bringing every music performance to your own little house. Pre-orders are now available for Songbook I-V. Allowing you to record any song with lyrics to a local /say. Every proclaimed minstrel can entertain their pets and mounts with their own covers. Any time anywhere.
Burzdhul Raving reviews

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Norbog news likes to introduce Burzdhul the former corrupted craban to review the first demo cd’s released along the new Songbook IV. I-V organised a contest to make the best cover song to be released on Old rivers King streaming service. Dont get catfished, buy your fishing supplies at verified Hobby masters throughout Middle-earth.
Streaming releases and double LP’s
Most songs will be released on the streaming service first. The most tuned in songs will be released on a limited collectable physical disc released for I-V’s songbook, all proceeds will go towards the Free to underprivileged players Food vault. Deliver your rhubarbs, carrots and onions to the mathom society for these discs. Farm your (double) LP’s
First streaming titles leaked
During the presentation a note wasn’t kept as secret and safe as IV hoped, but by the time of this publication no comment has been made about the titles leaked. Below you’ll see the bands and featured songs that were entered for the Double LP contest.
The MorDoors – Riders of the Stormwall
unnamed metal band – Diggy diggy dwarf
Durin Durin – Hungry like a wolf
The eagles – Hotel Pony
Pillar of winter -war of the ring, what is it good for
Aule together now – The Farm
Holly-back girl – Ent stefani
Bear Stevens – Call to the wild World
Lenny kravings – hobbit woman
Eowynce – if i was a boy
Dale-street boys – Show me the meaning of being Lonely Mountain
Depache mini – Enjoy the silence
Arctic Gauradan: Fake Tales of Forochel
Winner of the double LP’s release
Two winners have been announced by Isengard industries to feature on their first double LP’s. The elfs and human along with a re-release of Sarumans Yule festival tribute Darkest carols -faithfull sing to be released on bilbos 150th birthday.
Everyone’s favorite shipbuilder with his strange hairdo was chosen by Burzdhul for it’s category of best driving song. Lamenting on his former profession and a memorial song of Denethor featuring vocals by Faramir.
Cirrodan steward – A side – Sailing
Cirrodan steward – B side – I believe i can fly
The second winner according to some comes from the alternate universe, some think he’s just a stick, others think he’s the child of a Mordor vaultkeeper. We just know him as Rich Ash-ley. Singing about alternative ring destruction methods or weening while smoking some pipeweed in a cave. Get your gollum on with the second winner double LP.
Rich ash-ley – A side – Eagle on my side
Rich ash-ley – B side – Never gonna give you up (my precious)
And the true winner of Lotro musical cover crossovers has to be Saruman doing Yule metal covers of Little drummer boy and Silent night ofcourse. Sadly no more will be made, but nothing more wonderful as Christopher Lee making metal albums.