[CC] 19 lovely thing missed

Little changes are often missed in the large open world of patchnotes and lotro. You’d rush into the new raid or quest chains that you have been looking for. Lets take a look over at 19 little things i may have missed.

Little tweaks to quests

LFF wargs

Old quests you have ran a dozen times that always make you wander too far to find the mobs in a lower or higher level region. One of these quests was the first Warg quests you’d get from the Egalin camp. If you’re lucky there might be some wandering around from the boss near the altar. But most often you’d have to wait for respawn or wander to Ost Guruth and back for a few patrols. Low and behold a new warg pack roaming your own questing area. Same if you’re looking for crabans, or boars in the east.

Turns out i don’t really miss the tour of the mayor in Bree as well. And an easy answer for new players as to where to go when you arrive from the starter area at level 15. Noone wandering to Buckland or Combe for some blue quests.

The 105 class quests in the black book of mordor

Rats going the extra distance

The little class-quests in the original game added a little extra for making a new alt and getting it to level 15 and 30. With Mordor each class got a new little story of their own. Going back to galtrev, suri kala or fight some inquisitive diseased rats. Just a little thing to make redoing the Black book of Mordor a bit nicer

Destroy all

Disabling loot all and having all the items go into the overflow bags for a nice and convenient destroy all is the best feeling after a Carn Dum run. Helping a kinnie, do a nostalgia run or for some deeds. The dreaded vendor hour afterwards really dampened the love for these runs. Sometimes it not that you love a feature, but you still ponder how you ever lived without it.

Websites saving me so much time

A good old fashioned guide, a little blog post with all the Dwarf housing items or a page with all sword cosmetics available. There has been a slew of old and returning people adding quick to fully fledged articles and traitplanners to the outside of Lotro’s world.


Was it a class revamp if it wasn’t much of class before? Well, no longer do i relog for a quick instance run. My guard is getting rusty, my hunters bow need some grease applied and i even heal now. Each do it better, but being a bear fixes so many things. Nearly any class can join your duo or 3-man group. and finish the resources or caverns run.

Even a dps bear that’s getting good gear is worth it. Running through 8 mobs, bunching them up and mauling is so satisfying with 200% damage in bearform leaving only sliver of morale on signatures at best.

Skirmishes galore

Not the event itself, but having a lots options to do at different sizes. One day away from the tier 3. And now you can choose. A different char, just some quick tier 1 skirmishes or just forget the T3 at all. Could have introduced it a lot better, but seeing so many players do a variety of runs again is great.

Gondor and Mordor

Not questing in either Gondor or Mordor for a long time makes you forget the long dark months you spend in there. Just riding around and returning in these regions for some quick questing allows you to feel the dread without feeling dreary afterward. The fortress of Angband and hellish landscape of Agarnaith is gorgeous.


Lotro landscapes

Speaking of a view, the new landscapes we’ve gotten in Carn dum/Angmar, Lone lands, Celdondim etc make for a great update. Flattening the surroundings of the Barrows and Archet give a little sense of danger (dont venture too far off the path. We need more Ironfold lanscapes.

Not raiding while the world is having a blast

So much room for activities and even less activities you (feel like you) need to do. This will catch some flack, but most of the limitations SSG has build in the game over the last year favor the non-raiding/best of the best players. I adore that the raid is doing well, but all the prep work and frustrations that come with farming isn’t for me it seems.

The upside of SSG’s curbing in super farming of ….

Slowly SSG has been choking the superfarm in lotro. Be it favoured chests, level 100 FI instances and lootbox keys. They like you to play the game, but not the same thing every 5 minutes. Depending on your view you hate it or you hardly come into contact with it. The last time i hit the 10 instance limit per hour or been in 1 place for more then 2 (if you don’t count afk in Bree) was a long time ago. It has led to issues finding something to do that would get enough people interested in it. We could use some more favoured chests or older instances being relevant. And of course scrolls and crystals .

Texture caches and reload

Welcome again

Less crashes are great. Not sure what it does or when or even how much it helps. But being able to run higher graphics or go between Bree and MT without the relogshuffle is lovely.

Autocombine all relics and shards

A few of little things to love without much impact is the auto combine of the relics. Not that there is much use to it, but they started to pile up.  3 clicks beat 24 at any day.

(Re)Playable classes

Besides my bear. The burglar, dps guard and lm are actually getting some playtime. Switching between trait lines on hunter or rk is an option now without a new LI. I’d love to see SSG’s thought on each roles. Just need a few more overhauls and we can play them all again. Poor cappies atm.

Lailas market mirror

Seems i completely missed this one, but i love the little detail that is in lailas market and the mannequins. Surely i can turn the camera around. But the mirror is lovely for costume screenshots.

New material from the legendary servers

Be it landscapes, new portraits or returning quests the legendary servers have given the normal servers some lovely additions. Curious what Moria will bring us.

World chat, LFF and /uc8

May be a bit of a content lull or people being more focussed, but i’m quite glad how (Evernight) all the global channels behave. People getting advice, plenty of (focussed) LFF going on and the new 4 userchannels we gotten.

Filtering quests and lootboxes

Only two lootboxes to filter and no more intro quests are on the table now. Being carefull about what to filter is off the table for me. The fitler system is so engrained now that i don’t fear losing out on xp or items i might need in the future.

Enabling ingame music

Played without ingame music ever since Mordor since there was a lot of teamspeak or episodes to watch. But recently i made some time to replay a class stuck at 105 through Mordor and some class deeds with the ingame music on. Now there is a headset off channel on teamspeak.

Figments of splendour and clear lootbox rules

Yes there are lootboxes, but we’ve come a long way. Just by playing the game and moving around the cosmetics and motes i can now fund my pet and goat collection. Some daily activity or craft for lower levels would give everyone that chance.

Bonus 20th  – Moving around Middle-earth

All the small things really add up. The 5 minute port to Erebor with the Allegiance halls or the Skarhald resource hub makes its easy to get to where you want to go. Instance centered end-game means you can leave you character in the dead marshes while you do your glimmerdeeps and caverns.

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