Squirle goes nuts – 2019 wishes

Squirle goes nuts – 2019 wishes post thumbnail image

Slightly short attention spans, a fondness for nuts and articles slightly based in reality. “Squirle goes nuts” explores the world of lotro in quick bites as the topics come along that don’t really need or fill an entire article. But the animal shrink said it might be wise to write them down (lightly based on Sperlings sick of it for the MtG players).

Whats the best topic to write unbased, no-research about? The future ofcourse. Squirle goes nuts over lotro in 2019.

Where will we go?

2019 will not be the year of Shelob or the scouring. By this time we’ve ventured so far from Mordor we’ll need a teleport skill to get back to it. Update 24 was planned to be the area between Mirkwood and the Misty mountains. While update 25 might be Minas Morgul i highly doubt we’ll see Shelob or the scouring this year.  Why do i doubt this?

More smaller content updates

Not as farfetched, as in the latest stream the delay for the next developers letter was changes in the plans for 2019. Will there just be more or will we get a slight trickle of new areas, quest and instances? Why not both?

Could be around the corner

Trouble in the Iron fold with all the growling Nameless coming up from the mines and Radagast with his bear army going west. We might be continuing the split quest areas in the first part of 2019. Beorning lands, gladden fields and the lands in between north and south mirkwood leading up to a confrontation in episodic content near Mount Gundabad. With nameless and spiders mobs laying the ground work for a trip to Minas morgul and a new raid near it. It just won’t be shelob.

Lotro cavitary e-sports

Ok, e-sport might be pushing it a bit, but i’d love lotro to have a more competitive element. Let me introduce the cave-exploration challenge. As you delve into the newly found class balance (that will be closing up books in the next few months). As we go deeper and deeper into the ruins of Dol Goldur you will be faced with stronger more challenging foes. Over time people will pressure their clearing times and be awarded one-of-rewards.

Not just any cave

The howling pit just released is a testing ground and teaser for this new system. Scalable rewards available in solo, duo, small fellowship or larger? An extreme challenge system people can continue to sink their time in? I’d go nuts all over it.

64 bit client

No prophetic look would be complete without our own vaporware that is the legendary 64 bit client. What will it eventually do and what will it not fix? No idea, the first tangible tease has been made for the early part. Lets all download and test it when it comes. I’m sure there will be a lot of praise and a lot of bugs.

No more legendary weapons

2019 might be the year we lose our legendary weapons. Heralded as the end of RNG 10 years ago. Weapons and gear that would level with you as you’d venture towards Mordor. Openly stated by Vastin as a hindrance they’d really love to rewrite (development wise) A relic of yonder with build your own gear that is becoming a liability. Updated with the imbuement and sort-off with the essence system. It might be time to say farewell to your beloved time sink. A lack of changes when changes are clearly desired usually heralds SSG working on something.

Moria on the legendary server might be too early, but a staggered release from Mirkwood and Ost dunhoth towards october sounds reasonable.

Minas Morgul expansion with legendary weapon revamp and no level cap increase

Our favourite evil tower right after Cirith is the next major milestone we’re going to hit. Coming back to Mordor in a small update feels wrong and every expansion needs a selling point. With an expansion also comes the time needed to overhaul something major. Without trait points, a really quick level cap increase and class changes. What could we ever spend our and theirs time on?  The aforementioned legendary (and essence gear) weapon overhaul. A fresh new currency that would give us Fourth age azerite power.

Wow’s azerite trait tree

Powering up our experience into the fourth age with a new trait tree like sytem that would we could use to give our newly found capped trait trees a new timesink without the massive relics, xp, scrolls and crystals now required for any new level 100.

Making bonker use of the background changes

Finally making a new system that replaces all the systems meant to make the leveling experience more coherent. Level 55 essences, farming older instances for 4-slot gear, imbuement at level 60 or set bonusses falling of your back cause you leveled up? All be gone with all content tied into one back-end loot system.

Everyone and all the loot to be scaled towards your own player level. Grouping up with your buddy that just started in the Shire or him joining you in a cave-exploration in a no-story skirmish will all be possible with all lotro content now scaled.

Out of my mind? Probably, but not impossible. Every background system is now working the same. All armour types all share the same focus and the last obstacle is gone with the legendary weapons. Venture deeper in lotro with each “level range” and become more powerfull without facing grey mobs in each area. Tieing in all neglected systems such as skirmishes, big battles and finally solving the issue most mmo’s face of becoming too large.

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