Continuing the instance cluster revival to top it off with a new raid it was an existing time for lotro. Minas tirith and the battle for pelenor fields were the biggest set pieces from the books since Helms deep. Everyone was curious about what parts of the story would find their way into the instances, epic story and quests themselves.
On the end of Retaking pelagrir we knew the oathbreakers wouldn’t be there for us. Aragorn was posed to strike from the southwest on Harlond. The Rohirrim were coming from the north and there would be plenty of nazgul and orcs aiming for the gates.

Quays of harlond
Aragorn and posse arrives on the docks of Harlond and will join your small fellowship as your retake Harlond one group at a time. As you make your way to Pelenor you will find Kálmok, Barash, Akhun, Khurat. One big and 3 “little” trolls each with their own little buff to the other. As your party divides roles and trolls for each one to kill you remember you’re only with the 3 off you. So it becomes tank and kite. Or just wardening.
Passing under the south gate you will see a mumakill just up ahead. But for some reason you’ll have to go on a little journey with more stuns then you’d like. With the clock fully turned counter clockwise it’s mumak time. Standing still is a death sentence for you and the mini-fellowship of the ring. Functionally identical to war bands and roving threats you’ve done before it’s quite simple. Just 10 meters ahead you’ll make up all the pelenor walking to the 3rd boss. The Forgotten reaver is the nazgul you’d face while he will call his spirits brethren. With enough support he’ll believe in himself and become immune to your insults.

First boss is the hardest one and the other 2 are a oddly spaced. Relatively easy compared to other Osgiligath and Minas Tirith instances. Fun little story instance that you can still run a few times for either essences gear or box runs.
Blood of the black serpent
The instance most reviled for it’s final boss. But before you’re there its an ongoing waves on waves of orcs on top of the balustrades. Down on the ground you’re now faced with easterlings, hounds and archers. Big groups, plenty of bleeds and stuns to go around as these will show up on the first boss. Most often farmed for the gloves and boots cause most people will just want to skip the last boss especially on tier 2. Why? One simple reason

Mounted combat, lotro’s underwater combat
Each mmo has that one mechanic that is adorned right until it shows up on your doorstep. While wow always had it’s stride with underwater combat, siege combat was often attempted and combined squad on a vehicle. All sounded great, but when it arrived you kinda realized normal combat wasn’t that bad.
Mounted combat was that for lotro. One of the main selling points for Rohan that never materialized as well as it should. Skills noone knows what they do and an extra legendary item that enhances what damage you’d be able to squeeze out of your horse.

Mounted combat bosses
Right before the final boss there are 4 groups of mounted squads that you’ll lead into their own downfall when they get dismounted and fight on equal footing. Alas that isn’t an option for the final boss. Attempting this boss while you’re mounted yourself if a death sentence. Becoming dismounted or out of range of your healer will quickly set you back a wipe. Fight the boss in the corner behind the rock outcropping hoping the extra adds will get themselves stuck where you can fight them in range. Until the adds aren’t hit and the boss resets that is.
Silent street
On the back of Black serpent and Reaver the Gloom of Nurn wants to retake the crown of Eanur for its former wearer. Now own nemesis Mordrith or Gothmog depending on how you’d like to call him. Resurrecting all the occupants from the Fen Hollen, the catacombs of stewards and kings within Minas Tirith. You’ll face risen warriors, and cult members of the withered tree accompanied by Boromir/Telemnar or Tarannon/Atanrarr.
Withered tree are a classic kill-order mobs as you make you’re way to the leader of the cult. Tanking him with multiple groups coming to support him as you try to keep it all under control.
Targeting your mobs as you evade the lights that will fear your group all over the catacombs. Straight into another group of adds you’d like to skip. Trying to find both bosses that each have their killing strategies. Only to be greeted with the final area by glooms and Nurn himself.
A fellowship raid boss
Complex and finely balanced in tier 1, tier 2 and the challenge. The silent street had a leg up on Dome of stars with a few more bosses. Making everyone feel like they had a role to play. Over time the best group would take a tank that could make sure he’d survive by himself as you tank the boss on top of the stairs. Beorning, captains, wardens and guards would all be welcome.

All sorts of offtanks and dps would take their shot at the side bosses that would spawn at 64%. Ranged dps would take on the spirits that would come at 70% and the gloom spirits as well. One or two healers would try to keep everyone up and run around.
Both Mardil and Eärnil will come back just for your healers and challenge deed. Try to mezz or kite one as your group kills the other. 120 seconds was a challenge, try to stay alive and get both bosses down was indeed a challenge.
Not to be outdone Menedil will show up later and make your life that little harder by just attacking anyone near him. Save your dps for Nurn as he’s immune. Try to get the boss down for your boxes. Cause die now and the challenge will be gone.
A 6-man boss fight that has as much to do for you as some raid bosses. One of the best fights in a time where we’re so close to Mordor. While the epic book makes the story cheapen the ending a bit. One of the best instances with a good group. A few less mobs perhaps, but a full 10 on most parts.
The hilt

The most coveted pocket item besides the One ring in bilbo’s pocket. A killer of randomness and groups. The hilt of Earendil was a pocket item that could only drop from the challenge chest. A small drop chance, from a daily quest from a hard instance. Coming in might, agility and will with 3 essence slots. A nice little morale bubble on top. The creme the la creme in a time without a raid.
The drop chance of this item is similar to a needle in a haystack. In a time when bind on account drops wasn’t there yet. Hunter rolled on your might Hilt. Bad luck.