This week Sanswinda was not present to protest spiders.
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Game News
Store Sales
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Summer Sales
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LOTRO Players News
New Player Question
What is Forochel Fog, and how does it affect the graphics in the rest of the game? Can you fix it, if so how?
- Worked on finishing deeds in Forochel.
- Played low level characters with Teri and Sans (being a red champion was/is fun!)
- And finished out all three crafting tiers.
- Teriadwyn watched Thranduil take care of business with an old foe.
- Axli Shingshing ran around mocking elves and taking care of business in Moria because elves are useless.
- Aria’d LM completed the Mirkwood Landing with no trouble whatsoever.
- My Gladden Lore-Master headed into Eregion and gained a horseshoe
- My Crickhollow warden finally figured out how the picnic basket works
- Completed the picnic encounter deed on two of my wardens (Preserver of Picnics).
News Beyond LOTRO
We currently have 20 supporters on Patreon. If you would like to join this illustrious raid of players and help support LOTRO Players, simply go to the donation page where you can support The Players Alliance on Patreon. There you will find rewards including a mention on the podcast of your choice, or even guest for an episode on LOTRO Players News.
This week we did not receive any reviews.
Featured Comments
Balaak writes:
Hi oh fashion cool Teriadwyn, Spidery Sanswinda, Nice caring Mother minding Aerindys and Froring too
Oh ya Hi Mr. Needles
Got a couple answer from my level 40 Guardian – you were correct Herbalist is the best for me and my two kin brothers were more shocked with me too. She’s rank 15, and rank 15 in healing skills too, works great in a duo or small group was surprise when I got yelled at for sitting in the poop, still rusty playing but didn’t die ??
Question one is the spider cosmetic pet? I saw one could see it in the game store and was wondering?
Question two I am kindred with Thorins Hall, am I too low for a goat at 40? Do I need to work on a faction in Moria?
Question three
Is there a full body coat I could find or collect for an outfit sort of like devil may cry is wearing on the cover of the game
Question four
Any suggestions on which exp. pack I should get next? Waiting on eBay to deliver an old Moria oak too me I found for $5 Cdn and was where next now that I used most of my MARK up on rep items thanks again for that tip
Been back listening to everything from this year
Best regards
Baalak and Freman of the Sons of Numenor
I dig for buried treasures, how about you?
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