It is now time to learn more about the trinket we found.
Chapter 2, Part 1 – A Light in the Darkness
We travelled afar
With the treasure we gained
To learn its lore
And links to the past.
It was a source of hope
Before Sauron’s forces
Brought it to Mordor
And muddied its light.
When the taint was cleansed
By our quest to the source,
To Elrond we brought
This bauble of the past.
He infused the artifact
With the Flame of the West
So we could bring brightness
To the bounds of Mordor.
With this gift we passed
Into Gorgoroth the dark,
A land of ash
And lasting doom.
We went to Lûghash
Where learned Covadil
Studied the ash
For the stories it held.
We found a finger
Of fractured metal
From times when Gondor was great.
Such pieces of Lore
Were precious to her
As she studied the stories of the waste.
What evil awaits us in the Plateau of Gorgoroth.
Pineleaf Needles