We serch for the missing Ayorzén.
Chapter 1, Part 4 – Ayorzén
We galloped to the gate
To Gorgoroth the dark
To learn if Ayorzén
Had left Udûn.
The gate was open
But guards blocked the way
So wily Ayorzén
Still wandered within.
We searched the camps
Of his countrymen
But found no sign
Of the sneaky thief.
Yet soon we learned
That the sneak was caught
By Annoth who searched
The sides of the roads.
We took the tainted
Trinket to Gandalf,
Who said it was made
Far from Mordor’s realm.
To Ayorzén we offered
The option of pardon
But he still feared
The foul dread lords.
Ugrukhôr the Cruel,
The Captain of the Pit,
Plus Urudanî whose kiss is death.
But direst of all
Was Dulgabêth the Mouth
Who sought to be heir to Sauron.
Just what is this trinket?
Pineleaf Needles