Finally, we enter into Mordor, where we encounter the enemy and learn a bit of its history.
Chapter 1, Part 2 – Deadly Durthang
We fought the forces
At the forges of Udûn,
Where the sweat of slaves
Made swords and mail.
At Mornaur we met
The mercenary Rhogrin
Who thought to ruin
The ringing anvils.
With the anvils toppled
For Annoth we searched
Near the fortress of Durthang
Whose fate was grim.
Annoth then told us
That his ancestor was sent
To Durthand to guard
The deadliest land.
For a thousand years
The Thandrim stood guard
Till the might of Mordor
Ammassed again.
Stranded from Gondor,
They starved and died
Till the Cruel captain
Killed the remnant.
Halannon was spared
To spread the word
That Ugrukhôr now ruled the realm.
For countless years,
This Captain of the Pit
Left shields to show his spite.
What will happen to us when we enter into Durthang itself?
Pineleaf Needles