We with ring destroyed, it is time to enter into the land of Mordor. Today, we start our journey through the Black Book of Mordor. Today, we reach the gate but don’t get very far inside.
Chapter 1, Part 1 – Four at the Gate
The gate to Mordor
Was mangled and bent
Leaving a way
For wanderers to pass.
The fearless and foolish
Followed the path
To the darkest realm
Of death and fear.
Why enter the realm
Of ruin and blight?
Why pass the gates
Of greatest peril?
We spoke with four
At the front of the gate
To learn what lured them
To the loathsome realm.
Rhogrin sought treasure
Of times long past,
Covadil sought lore
Covered in ash,
Annoth sought to honor
The ancient watch, and
Harthalin sought surety
Of Sauron’s death.
But what would this land
Of lasting terror
Deal to this daring group?
It’s madness to walk
Through Mordor’s gates
And breach the borders of Blackness.
Pineleaf Needles