LOTRO Players News Episode 248: Aggro-ing All the Things

LOTRO Players News Episode 248: Aggro-ing All the Things post thumbnail image

This week we discussed some April Fools Day articles and our week in LOTRO.

Game News


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LOTRO Players News

April Fool’s Day Articles:

New April Additions to the LOTRO Store

SSG and Fantasy Flight Digital bundle sales

[CC] Developers Diary – Beorning 2.0 – Commentary


Other Articles:

North Kingdoms Video Series


New Player Question

This week’s new player question comes from Rubilara of Gladden:

I’m a fairly-new free player who’s been farming deeds like crazy to save up lotro points. Other than the Riding skill (which I already bought) what account upgrades would you save up for first & why?



  • Went skirmishing with Pineleaf and encountered some new encounters.
  • Introduced my sister and nephew to the Ominous Pool, Sinister Keg, and Moria Keg.
  • Quickly discovered why people say minis on war steeds aggro the landscape. Promptly proceeded to aggro the landscape several times trying to figure out my skills.



  • My hunter Blackstardust learned that fishing in Felegoth is a great way to get cracked barrels, and that I need to work on fishing
  • Got to friend with Rangers of Ithilien in my quest to gain more hunter ports.
  • Had to defend my honor from my wife while she accused me of RNG manipulation



  • Did Chapter 6 of the Elf Allegiance, which involved a chat with Arwen, and I am officially not finishing the Allegiance because I no longer CARE what the elves want. Started the Dwarf Allegiance.



  • My Gladden Lore-master tore through The Drowned Treasury in record time.
  • My Crickhollow warden completed Northern Kingdoms and the already released parts of The Lay of Rust and Rime.
  • On Evernight, my warden killed ten rats.


News Beyond LOTRO

Games Workshop Releasing The Lord Of The Rings: Quest to Mount Doom Board Game


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This week we did not receive any reviews.

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(New Player Question)

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Final Thoughts

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2 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 248: Aggro-ing All the Things”

  1. Concerning new player question…
    Most important account upgrades for f2p players is game content. After finishing Lone Lands region you won’t be able to quest further without buying quest packs. First you should get Evendim which allows you to level seamlessly 30-40. At the same time you’ll be able to get additional LP deeding there, also finishing deeds in lower level areas will be faster for lvl40+ character. There are of course many other quest packs and expansions in 11 years old game, but Evendim is the one you want first. Normally it cost like 600LP or 450 on sale iirc, always try to buy things in store when on sale if you can (unfortunately we just had quest pack sale, so I wouldn’t expect next one within 1-2 months).
    It is recommended to buy VIP at least once to permanently unlock many character perks (for toons logged while VIP). I’d recommend 3 months VIP during which you can also do some regions free for VIPs (quest packs are rented while VIP, you lost access when VIP expire) if you can afford it. You also get 500LP per month while VIP.
    What to buy aside of content heavily depend on your VIP plans. If you’ll never buy VIP then you must buy gold cap removal (like 400LP) which is mere 2g for f2p, you’ll need to buy trait tree, virtues, race traits unlocks for each toon etc. That means a lot of LP grind and in the end you won’t be even in position of former VIP (no swift travels for example which saves you a lot of time later)
    As you advance in game, do more regions etc. you’ll get more and more stuff which you need to store somewhere. Many players consider premium wallet (995LP normally) as best thing bought from store, which allows you to store many character and account bound items there. In other words these items are always with you and won’t take space in bags. But obviously you should consider buying also more bag space (400LP for each 5 slots upgrade) and if you have or plan for alts also shared storage. You can also buy a house and store some stuff there (you buy normal houses for in game gold) but you’ll obviously need to go there each time to store or get something.
    So in summary you need content, character/account unlocks if never vip and storage.
    Try to avoid buying character bound things, items you can easily get in game (check AH, ask in world), consumables, most cosmetics, at least as f2p 🙂

  2. To clear up Pines confusion on the Quest To Mount Doom Board Game…

    Games Workshop hold the rights to the MOVIES (LOTR & Hobbit) Fantasy Flight has the rights to the books

    There for, the game will be using artwork form the movies.

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