SSG and Fantasy Flight Digital bundle sales

SSG and Fantasy Flight Digital bundle sales post thumbnail image

We at Fantasy flight are working hard on our first digital endeavor to bring our Living card game of the Lord of the rings to PC and Mac in Q2 of 2018.  But this isn’t the only digital game about our favorite retreat into fantasy. The people at Standing Stone Games and Daybreak games have brought the Lord of the rings Online into Mordor and Northern Mirkwood in their latest expansions

Today we are proud to announce our first bundle sale combining these two great games. As part of our early access founder packs we’ve added a Beorning Founder pack for $8,99. This will include the LCG core set and the Beorn hero card. And in honor of SSG’s Beorning month the bundle will include digital codes for the Beorning class and character slot with 420 Lotro points to spend in game as you want.

Lord of the rings online Beorning month
The game Lord of the ring online has been out for nearly 11 years and with their latest update they introduced the quest region of North Mirkwood which includes the Beorning lands and their updated Beorning class. Venture into the world of Tolkien as your own shape shifting class and defend the your homeland from the goblins of the Misty mountains. For more details about the game visit or their newest developers letters about the Beorning month.


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