New April Additions to the LOTRO Store

New April Additions to the LOTRO Store post thumbnail image

We are excited to introduce several new items making their way into the LOTRO Store, as part of our on-going quality-of-life updates for Lord of the Rings Online. Several of these additions have directly stemmed from your feedback and suggestions, and we will certainly be keeping an eye out for your continued ideas!

Now for wrath, now for ruin, now let’s get to the new features! You’d be a *fool* to miss out on any of these exciting additions to the LOTRO Store!


Item description: Ever wanted that one housing spot, but it was being occupied? Place one Orodruin and call in the morning! Once the lava hardens, nobody will be left to contest your neighborhood domination!

In addition, you’ll be able to alter the weather dynamic in your housing region. Until the ash and lava inevitably decimate your favorite fishing spots and ruin that freshly-painted gazebo, you’ll be dancin’ in the rain!

WARNING: Placing this item in your homestead will cause a cataclysmic reaction, wiping out all owned houses in the homestead. If two players attempt to place one, only the first will take effect. The subsequent decoration will be sent to escrow. SSG is not responsible for any neighborhood claims of tyranny or singed bear rugs.


Item description: You asked for a way to get some seriously cool shots of Middle Earth from any angle, and we found a way! With 4k support and our proprietary Lan-drone-val™ technology, launch one of these puppies in the sky and be the envy of your friends’ media folders! Spy on your foes! Navigate right up to Elrond’s window and try to catch him taking a step…anywhere!

Be sure to click on the item while your character is in a safe space, as it will lock your normal player controls when switching to drone mode. A single session can last for up to one hour, or until you smash the drone into that tree that “came out of nowhere.” Repairs not necessary – lifetime guarantee, your drone will never sail to the West!

Fancy lights are available, for a nominal Mithril Coin cost. Available at a Best Buysengard near you!


Item description: To make up for Holly Hornblower’s infamous spoiled pies, she has invited all of the Shire to a banquet. She needs to prove that she can still be on her game, and has asked you to assist in the preparations.

In true cooking sim fashion, your mettle will be tested as each hobbit steps up to the front table and requests their fillings and toppings. Get those pastries stuffed and crusts golden brown! Bonus marks for precise order tickets and speedy distribution.

We are currently finishing up work on this instance, and hope to include a secondary challenge mode that will ask the player to deliver mail to all recipients of the banquet. Emulating the standards of classics like Paperboy, the player will need to safely deliver the letters without causing too much landscape destruction. Oh, and you’ll be doing all of it while maintaining a gallop on warsteed. Best of luck!


Item description: Mordor can be a foreboding and intimidating place. If your gear isn’t quite reflecting the change of difficulty, progress can be quite treacherous. Thankfully, Eärendil’s own battery-powered torch provides 360° of light to shine your way through this Sauron-worn wasteland. Initial batteries included!

Eärendil’s Torch includes a comfortable rubberized handle for long trips into Barad Dur. The durable polycarbonate shell will counteract most battering blows from the local population, while resisting 99.99% of gooey spider stains. Our flashlights are made from the most authentic ruins of Numenor, and patent owner Elrond oversees the entire production plant.

On Use: Eärendil’s Torch will provide the player with 360 Light of Eärendil. Batteries will wear out after 24 in-game hours and will need to be replaced via the LOTRO Store.

Item description: Replacement batteries for Eärendil’s Torch. Provides 24 hours of in-game charge. Please do not dispose of empty cells in lava – look at what a mere ring did to the volcano, after all.


Item description: We have noticed that our Essence system was missing something. Sure, essences may appear as glowing flame tokens upon acquisition, but once you forge them into your armor, what are they? These relics seem to lose their luster and just act as blobs of stat-boosting goodness.

Our art team decided to add a bit of flair to essences, and so we are introducing Essenced Essences! Now you can cosmeticize the look that essences provide your existing essence armor by slotting your favorite essences in essences, to be placed in essence…well, you get it at least.

Want an emerald sheen around your character – something that really lets the world know you’ve been spending too much time in the waters of Carn Dum? Grab a green one and go! Upon introduction to the store, there will be 37 different hues available, because we want you to express yourself! We encourage you to try out different combinations and share them on the forums.

WARNING: Using an essence reclamation scroll on an essenced essence may open a closed time loop paradox. If such an event occurs, please keep away from mirrors and anyone named Lalia or Lobelia (the latter is really just a good idea, anyways).


We hope you enjoy these additions to the LOTRO Store, and Standing Stone Games look forward to bringing you more of what’s to come in 2018 and beyond!

2 thoughts on “New April Additions to the LOTRO Store”

  1. I believe Eärendil’s Torch and Durincell batteries are the most practical of all the offerings. And also the most hilarious!

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