Dwarven coin and currency bureau has multiple job openings across Middle-earth. Looking for a steady and stout group of friends and colleagues? Send your resume to Thorin III by mail or goat. back ground check part of the interviewing procedures.
Mistrustful dwarf is looking for for you. Were you in Erebor during the spring festival? We had a blast, but lost you around the Forge masters when you went for a drink. Loved our conversation about gem and content polishing. Had a strange + in front of your name. Send a mail to norbog news under correspondence #31
Looking for residence in Felegoth? Wizard vetinary assistant with a qualification in poison control or critter handling, tree-hugger or Elf-concierge can inquire inside the main hall with Thranduil or Radagast if he’s in.
Got too much ash? Need your chimney sweeped? Contact Corunirs chimenys for a free pickup. No removal charges. Help support our cause to provide the needy with a mordor starter set.
Lake town leakers guild looking for plumbers (from Sarkinen Plumbing experts), woodworkers and expert in waste water management. We offer lake-side housing, free shipping for over-lake orders and market-level payment.
Does nothing smell fishy to you? Looking for extra hours or overtime? Join the Lake town taxidermist crew tonight. Back log in orders due to influx of fishers looking to get their trophies.
For our Mordor branch we’re also looking for a taxidermist/restaurer with an advanced degree in corruption removal.
Looking for an exotic trinket or eastern tapestry for your partner. Decorate your goat with a freshly woven cloth. Come to Raven-HIll tow browse or for a quatation. Or visit our Secret keyhole pawnshop. Your secret, we provide solutions!
Barrel-, horse- and laketriathalon event post-poned. Barrels damaged by unauthorized and replacement parts being held in customs by Elves. Sanitation issues in Lake town as well. Event will be moved to Evendim if transport issues are resolved . Follow our twitter page or Norbog news for updates. Customer care is avaaible tby mail for questions, refunds or inquiries .
Dale du Jour is looking for copywriters and translators for their daily journals. Proficiency in Wood-elves, Erebor dwarvish or lake-town dialects is a pre. Recent artciles about Hedghehogs, pottery sherds, siezed fish and germanic-origin lake towners have been suppar and translation checks have been increased.
Nan curunir couriers are looking for an expert in suplemental intelligence. Our R&D is close to a breakthrough in automatic horse travels. To expand our research team we’re looking for an expert in horse to horse order transfers. Making it possible to travel across middle-earth without driver instructions past begin and end destinations is our ultimate goal.
Not a hunter? Tired of having to keep you’re eye on your mount while you travel across Middle-earth?
Sign up now for early access to Uber-goat. The service where you select your goal and dont worry about slow travel, ports or swift-travel hubs. Go from Zigulgund to Agairnaith or The dead marshes to Dol amroth without breaking a sweat. * Not available for chickens.
Chicken archaeologist looking for nest sightings
Hobbit researcher is looking for information about strange nests. Several ancient teleportation devices have been discovered across Middle-earth. The biggest mystery since the Mysterious stones has been ignored by major news outlets across Middle-earth. Interested or knowledge about this cover-up? Mail Sandsonsfarm@delving.shire.
Mithril maniacs likes to welcome their first female member. You might recognize her from the “I made Dis” articles. An expert in janovar and other eastern jewelry and trinkets. After 600 years of male-dwarven hymogony we welcome Dis in our midst.