Community Manager Cordovan posted on the forums about some upcoming downtime
The LOTRO game worlds will be unavailable from 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM Eastern (-4 GMT) on Sunday, October 15th for a hotfix. Thank you for your patience, and we will see you in the game soon.
And the notes on what’s being fixed are as follows:
This update contains:
- Incomparable armor from the Plateau of Gorgoroth Instances and Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootboxes have their proper stats restored.
- Cloaks that were incorrectly categorized as medium or heavy armor have been re-categorized as light armor.
- German voice-over audio for the Plateau of Gorgoroth Instances is now correctly in German.
Public Notices:
- If a quest is on your Filtered quest list, then you will be unable to interact with that quest’s items on landscape. To interact with quest items remove the quest from the filtered list (Alt+R) and relog.
- Even though Monster Players can acquire Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootboxes, the boxes do not yet contain appropriate loot for Monster Players, and thus Monster Players cannot acquire Black Steel Keys.
- If you are using custom UI skins, the Filter buttons will not display properly in the Quest Log or in the quest bestowal UI.
- Some game text is not yet localized (Fall festival items and new Mordor barter currencies), and some localized text is in fact incorrect in French and German (cursed items, Tome of the Gourd-lurker, mount source information in the mount collection, new fall festival daily and multiday wrapper quests).