What’s behind Mordoor 6.1 – Before the door opens- Out with the old

The Mordoor will open soon, but what can we do to prepare for the grand opening? Every expansion and level increase means some parts of your character become obsolete and some items skyrocket cause everyone will need it. But there is more than you might think of you can do to come out on top or better than sitting still in Bree waiting for the final maintenance.

Out with the old
Speaking of things you don’t need. You’re inventory, deed log, quest log, wardrobe and vault space will be at a premium. Items and quests you have been saving cause they might be good for a future alt or auction house sales. Sell, vendor, cancel or finish the thing. Some things will retain a little value, but a lot of things won’t be worth much when mordor launches. The time you will get a premium for your items are probably gone depending on your server. But they will fall even further if you wait.

Essences and essence materials
While the jump from tier 7 to tier 8 was small enough to make it worthwhile to save the supreme and some greater essences. This won’t be the case this time around. The amount of stats available on mordor stuff will mean that any 106 item will be better than your 105 saved items. This goes double for all the upgrade and essence materials. Wastes upgrades, zircon shards, tier 8 majors, all tier 7’s and Waste rep (craft) items will only be interesting for a small subsection.

Main stats tier 8 essences, wastes rep items and universal solvents will go down a lot, but it’s good to safe a few for future times. But secondary items like critical rating, evasion or mastery you can get rid of. Not sure about mitigations essences though.

Lootboxes and keys
While most anorien and below lootboxes are already hard to sell. The sturdy steel keys have gone up a lot. They will go down. Why? The new gorgoroth lootboxes will require a new kind of keys (not available on beta atm). They will be available from the store or quests, but we know that sturdey keys wont open those boxes. In the long run Sturdy steel keys might see an uptick cause the supply will go down as well. But lootboxes will remain near worthless.

Boost items
I’ll put these on a giant pile since they all do 1 thing. Improve your stats, but the amount will be overshadowed by the new food, scrolls and drops. That anorien food with 150 to agility doesn’t look so good anymore when you got 8000 agility already. So if you’ve been stocking potions, buff foods, battle or defence scrolls etc. Lose them for the extra vault spaces.

Wardrobe space and cosmetic slots
You might have gotten the pre-order cosmetics, been saving up for that hobbit masquerade ball. But Mordor will have a ton of new cosmetics that you’d like to try out. Make sure you got some space for them. And of course you’re new mordor armour will be a mismatch of anything you can get your hands up. Some of them might even be yellow. You wouldn’t want to allegiance yourself in yellow right.

Quest and deed log
Mordor will require a ton of quest log space. Make sure you got it. You will want to save you’re long quest lines like the epic story or bingo boffin since you might not have time to finish them all. But a lot of quests you can probably finish or just cancel.
Things to cancel

  • Random quest in old regions you never came around to finish
  • repeatable you will not repeat soon like Fangorn, Osgiligath, Hytbold
  • Ettenmoor quests based on inventory items

Quest to finish

  • Auto-bestow quests like Introduction to regions or some special cases. They will come back all the time.
  • Epic story, they will take some time. But they are too good to cancel anyways
  • North Ithilien and the wastes. Some questlines will probably continue in Mordor
  • Quest involved in virtues, traitpoints or deeds. They will remain a permanent boost

7 thoughts on “What’s behind Mordoor 6.1 – Before the door opens- Out with the old”

  1. Seriously….did anyone edit/proofread this article at all?

    “You’re inventory” = “Your inventory”.
    “to safe a few” = “to save”
    “you’re long quest lines” = “your long quest lines”.

    And that doesn’t include periods that should be commas, inconsistent/incorrect capitalization, and just poor grammar.

    1. Thanks for saying it first, jwh228c. This was a decent article marred by very poor punctuation, capitalization and spelling from beginning to end. Grammarly Chrome extension might help, or at least find a friend to proofread.

  2. Thanks Drac. Good reminders and thanks fer keeping tabs on Mordor changes impacting us this way. — leaving a few grammatical crumbs fer The Church Lady myself

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