This article is satirical in nature and does not represent the official developer diary allowed by the SSG… Sadly.
The facts about crafting are accurate.
Hello, everybody, I am UnfriendlyCat and I am the developer for the crafting in Mordor that is coming out with the update 21, our most recent expansion, and I would like to share with you a thing or two about it.
The new crafting tier in Mordor is Doomfold and it is new in the sense that „Everything old is new again“. You will have the classic drops from the resources. For example, an ore node has a chance of giving you ore, high quality ore, a black adamant and a black adamant shard. We are returning to a level of robustness we haven’t seen with the last two crafting tiers.
This crafting tier brings back a lot of items that were omitted from the previous two tiers. Players will be able to craft off-hands, weapons, armour, consumables, a bevy of class items (including Minstrel instruments). Very few recipes are auto-assigned, for many you will need to use The silver signet of Thandrim to barter for the recipes or items, these are the tokens you get from completing the quests. For instance, a single use recipe for an essence will cost you 15 of these signets. We are making a change to the crafting of the essences in a way that they do not require Universal solvents at this tier. Some craftable items will be best in slot for the expansion.
Crafting also introduces 2 daily recipes that you will be able to use. One is an Enchanted Gorgoroth adamant that you will be able to disenchant. The disenchantment ties into the new Ashes of Gorgoroth system. The recipe for the crafted item and the item which you will use to disenchant the crafted item (and the unwanted armour pieces you get) – Flame of Ancalmir – you will need to purchase from the High Enchanter – Elf Smith. We have provided an introduction quest for you in Udun, the starter area of Mordor. The crafted item will give you 10 Ash and the unwanted gear will give you 5/10/20 for green/purple/teal. This crafted item is on an 18 hour cooldown. Ash is used as a barter item for some of the armor and jewelry as you progress through the game.
The second piece of daily crafting we introduce with our new allegiance system. Here you will come across a recipe for a Guild-quality Gorgoroth metalworking components for a Metalsmith. No, you do not need to have highest guild level for this (Assuming, couldn’t test. Maybe this is the point where the dev diary should reveal that this is why it says that „There are no new guild levels, though it is still useful for players to be at the current capped guild tier: Westemnet. And not only because of the fact that there aren’t any crafted relics still.). This item you will be able to use to advance the allegiance to its higher tiers. This item also has an 18 hour cooldown timer.
We are also introducing two new ways of getting the resources. One is the Rare chest of Mordor in which you will be getting a crafting pack with random crafting resources inside and a random quality gear piece. The other alternative way of getting the crafting items are the two different chest Rusted chest and Coroded chest. These chests will only give you the crafting pack. These chests are larger in number, more common and they can be used more than once, as opposed to the rare chests which are similar to Treasure caches and can be used only once.
And for the end, we will also have crafting instances. Even here we are returning to the older versions of soloable crafting instances, as opposed to the recent fellowship versions in the Wastes. So these are going to be more similar to, say, Hytbold. Before you start doing these instances we suggest that you first complete the four introduction quests to the allegiances as these crafting instances will provide you also with a daily quest of collecting various items for turning into the chests at the respective halls for the allegiances. You will then receive an item that you will be able to use for any allegiance, no matter where you got the item from.
Thank you very much, see you in Mordor, this was your UnfriendlyCat.