Community Events: July 14th-20th

Community Events: July 14th-20th post thumbnail image

Community Calendar:

We have a relatively quiet week between the mass of events of last week and next Saturday’s Weatherstock, but there are still many weekly concerts, RP gatherings, and other group activities throughout the game.  There will be one very special concert Sunday on Belegaer with Die Fäuste Durins. Breemarsch der Durins Faust der Gerechten and Verbunds für hobbitisches Brauchtum will both be taking the week off so everyone may attend the concert.

This listing of featured events is only published on Fridays, but our Google calendar is kept up to date throughout the week and includes details on many more activities.  We always aim to have the most complete events calendar in the game and accept events of all types on all servers.  Take a look at this week’s agenda for upcoming events around LOTRO and copy some or all events to your personal calendar.  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page and on the calendar is to submit a form.

Server calendars: Arkenstone CalendarBelegaer CalendarBrandywine CalendarCrickhollow CalendarEvernight Calendar, Gladden CalendarGwaihir CalendarLandroval CalendarLaurelin Calendar, and Sirannon Calendar

All events listed in Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT)/server time.  Most Laurelin events will also be listed at British time, BST (+1 GMT), and all events on Belegaer, Gwaihir, and Sirannon with CEST (+2 GMT).  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page is to submit a form.  I’m always open to feedback and suggestions, both here and through the submissions form, so let me know if there’s something we should feature.  Thanks for reading!

Featured events for this week:

Friday, July 14

PvMP Battles

Server: Brandywine

Time: 8pm

Location: Ettenmoors

Description: The Kinship Riders of Middle-earth host a Player versus Monster Player on the Brandywine server every Friday at 8:00pm-11:00pm Eastern and every Saturday from 8:00am-2:00pm Eastern! The Kin would love to get LOTRO players interested in PvMP, and is willing to help.

Click for more Friday events


Saturday, July 15

Greatbeard Raids

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3pm EDT (8pm BST)

Location: Varies

Description: All dwarves welcome, level 105 instances/raids

Animal House

Server: Landroval

Time: 9pm

Location: Prancing Pony Stable Courtyard, Bree

Description: Concert

Click for more Saturday events


Sunday, July 16

Trivia Nights

Server: Arkenstone

Time: 2pm

Location: /joinchannel minastrivia

Description:  All questions are asked in the minastrivia channel and all responses must be given in the minastrivia channel. (/joinchannel minastrivia).  The first correct answer will win the prize.  Rotates between 2pm and 8pm weekly.

Fäuste Durins

Server: Belegaer

Time: 2pm EDT (8pm CEST)

Location: Kreidestraße 2, Siedlung Lindental, Auenland

Description: Die Fäuste Durins – also die Kapelle des alteingesessenen Zwergenclans „Durins Faust der Gerechten“ lädt zu einem Konzert ab der achten Abendstunde in die Halle des Clans. Neben traditioneller Zwergenmusik erwartet jeden Bescher reichlich Speis und Trank.

Click for more Sunday events


Monday, July 17

Maidens of Vanimor

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2:30pm

Location: Prancing Pony Rock

Description: Weekly concert

Ales and Tales

Server: Landroval

Time: 8:30pm for Nibbles & Nobs, 9:30pm for Ales & Tales

Location: Nameless Hobbit home southeast of Midgewater Marsh (35.2S, 43.1W)

Description:  Volunteer to tell a tale, sing a song, recite a new poem, anything you wish to share with others in an RP setting. Nibbles and Nobs offers an open stage to all performers, while Ales and Tales features a house band and scheduled performers (all are welcome to sign up).  Location changes every week, so /joinchannel alesandtales to find out more information.

Click for more Monday events


Tuesday, July 18

Mardi Gras Party Band

Server: Landroval

Time: 8pm

Location: Prancing Pony

Description:  Concert

Exploring the Lord of the Rings–On Location

Server: Arkenstone

Time: 9:30pm

Location: Lore Hall across from the Cat Lady’s House, Bree

Description: A free in-depth reading of the trilogy with the Tolkien Professor which will bring in other works that affected the story and considers new angles and aspects.   The course takes place every Tuesday throughout January on a different server each week, followed by a field trip to a relevant site.  Go to Discord or Twitch to follow the discussion.

Click for more Tuesday events


Wednesday, July 19

Tunes and Ales

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11am and 10:30pm

Location: Archet

Description: Midweek Tunes and Ales is a weekly event every Wednesday at 10:30pm and 11:00am server time.  It’s always in a different place each week, we could be at Weathertop or Rivendell, maybe even the depths of Moria, playing music throughout Middle Earth!  We welcome all travelers who are passing through to join if like to share a tune, story, or just dance!

DisEnchanted followed by Bright Star

Server: Landroval

Time: 8:30pm

Location: Bree Park

Description: DisEnchanted plays a weekly concert, Bright Star joins them every other week

Click for more Wednesday events


Thursday, July 20

Concerning Hobbits Party Time

Server: Landroval

Time: 8:30pm

Location: Gasthaus Efeubusch, Hobbingen, Auenland

Description: These weekly parties feature games, music, pies, light RP, prizes, and fireworks. Party games include the Bad Joke Contest, Riddle Game, Hide-a-Hobbit, and more.

Click for more Thursday events

Coming soon:

Weatherstock is coming to Landroval next Saturday with 18 bands on Weathertop.  The preshow starts at 10:30am with the Lonely Mountain Band Mega-band and the bands start playing at 12pm.

Looking back:

Zedrock recorded last weekend’s Weatherstock Concert Series and all videos are on his Twitch feed.  Beuno Willowtree posted a gallery of pictures from the first day of the Summer of Love on the Auenländer Wochenblatt.

Festival time:

The scavenger hunt is now over.  The summer festival finishes up on July 17th at 3am EDT/server time.  Fibro Jedi has a wonderful overview of all of the quests.  Wandering Around Arda previewed the new cosmetics and mount.  Elisapee has a gif of the new bubble pipe fish emote and revealed that it comes with sound.

The good news (for official event lovers) is that there we won’t have much downtime between festivals.  The Farmer’s Faire will return on August 23rd.

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