The Weatherstock Concert Series will be held this weekend on the Landroval server. Unlike in the past when the series would take place over a month in a variety of locations, this year’s series will include 19 half hour concerts over the single weekend at the Bree Festival Grounds stage.
Performers come from around the world, including musicians from Russia, Germany, France, and Scandinavia. The bands hail from 6 different servers. Some of the bands are seasoned, with histories that go back as far as a decade ago. Others are relatively new to the LOTRO music scene. All 19 are worth your time.
The bands will come back together on July 22nd for Weatherstock. We’ve never seen so many bands perform at the summit, but this lineup was so good that they just couldn’t cut anyone from the big show this year. We’ll have a Weatherstock survival guide here in 2 weeks, but until then check on Twitter and LOTRO Artists for the latest news.
Saturday Schedule:
Time: 12:30pm (6:30pm CEST/7:30pm MSK)
Home server: Landroval
Notes: The HOPE formed on the Russian server Mirkwood back in 2011, but moved to Landroval after the Russian servers closed. They are known for their theme concerts and incredible posters. They performed at OAKS on Laurelin back in May and played a tribute to Viktor Tsoi last month.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
Moonshine Wanderers
Time: 1pm (6pm BST)
Home server: Laurelin
Notes: Everyone knows Struck by Moonlight and the Little Wanderers. They both tour far & wide and the Little Wanderers have hosted Night of the Muses since the olden days on the Eldar server. The two groups came together to form a supergroup at this year’s Winterstock and they’ve come together again to face their first Weatherstock.
Video link: BaraZine
Time: 1:30pm (7:30pm CEST/8:30pm MSK)
Home server: Laurelin
Notes: Polnolunie was founded in 2011 on the Russian server of Fornost and moved to Laurelin when that server closed. They play monthly concerts on Laurelin or abroad. Their most recent major concert was at Shirefest on Crickhollow.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
Notenzauber and Friends
Time: 2pm EDT (8pm CEST)
Home server: Belegaer
Notes: Notenzauber has performed at many festivals on Belegaer, Landroval, and Sirannon since their formation back in 2013. Their musical styles range from rock to classical to jazz and plenty in between. Their arrangements are painstakingly crafted and thoroughly tested.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
Time: 2:30pm EDT (7:30pm BST)
Home server: Laurelin
Notes: A year ago The Rolling Kegs played their winner’s set at the summit of Weatherstock. They’ve played together since 2011 and are known for a mix of dwarven humor, lore, a range of styles, and heartfelt emotions.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
Time: 3pm EDT (8pm BST)
Home server: Laurelin
Notes: Lindamar is an ensemble from the elven kinship Bar-en-Vanimar. They have performed several concerts with elven themed songs, such as the recent Lilthad am-Ethuil Sûl and Linnad am-Meleth. They formed for their kin’s famous Grand Elven Ball.
Video link: YouTube
Lanterns of Nimrodeliant
Time: 3:30pm
Home server: Landroval
Notes: This band is quite new, but they perform so often that they seem like old veterans. They are often seen at the Night of the Muses on Laurelin but have also performed at several festivals. Their first solo concert, The Irish Way to Live Well, was given on Landroval last month.
Video link: YouTube
Time: 4pm EDT (10pm CEST)
Home server: Sirannon
Notes: This rebel band of lost souls came together in 2016 on Sirannon, but their journey seems much longer after so many great performances at festivals and concerts on Landroval and Laurelin.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
Time: 4:30pm EDT (10:30pm CEST)
Home Server: Belegaer
Notes: This German band was founded on Belegaer in 2014 and has since toured around to Gwaihir, Laurelin, Landroval, Crickhollow, Arkenstone, and Sirannon, playing at many festivals and making their own promotional tour. They could not find many suitable medieval files, so they decided they should make their own songs and lyrics. This lead to producing their own album, Rabenschwarz.
Links to videos: YouTube, BaraZine
Time: 5pm EDT (11pm CEST)
Home server: Sirannon
Notes: This French group is known for the pig masks donned by every musician and dancer. They’ve been performing for 2 years on Sirannon and recently started playing on Landroval. This will be their Weatherstock début.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
Sunday Schedule:
Department of Harmony and Song
Time: 1pm EDT (7pm CEST)
Home server: Landroval
Notes: The Department of Holbyt Security kin first joined together to make sure a famous hobbit stayed safe on a journey to Isengard, and when it came time to form a band it seemed fitting to keep the acronym DHS. The band members hail from around the world and play monthly concerts on Landroval in addition to touring other servers like Crickhollow.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
The Shades
Time: 1:30pm EDT (6:30pm BST)
Home server: Laurelin
Notes: This legendary band was formed in 2007 on Laurelin. They played at 3 Weatherstocks in the past, winning the Free Peoples Choice Award in 2011 and the Light in the Dark award in 2013. They have recently returned to the game after a long break. The band composes, arranges, and adapts ABC files from traditional music.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
Imladris Sunset
Time: 2pm EDT
Home server: Crickhollow
Notes: This band found new life on Crickhollow after Imladris shut down. They are known for playing at Landroval festivals but are often found on Friday nights at Bread & Jam on Crickhollow. They are closely associated with their sister band, Shirefest and OAKS veterans Dance Flora.
Video link: BaraZine
Time: 2:30pm EDT (7:30pm BST)
Home server: Laurelin
Notes: The White Flames have been together since 2007. They rehearse weekly, play themed concerts monthly, and perform at various festivals. They played at the summit last year for Weatherstock VIII.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
The Fluffy Unicorns
Time: 3pm EDT
Home server: Landroval
Notes: The Fluffy Unicorns got their start on Nimrodel in 2015 not long before server consolidations. They moved to Landroval and started to grow their membership, repertoire, and performance schedule. The hold bi-monthly jam sessions on Friday nights and often join in for Sunday Rocks. They performed for last year’s Weatherstock concert series.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
Time: 3:30pm EDT (10:30pm MSK)
Home server: Brandywine
Notes: This Russian band formed a little less than a year ago on Brandywine. Since then they have played many festivals on Landroval, an OAKS concert on Laurelin, and a few shows on Brandywine, including the recent Summer Music Fest.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
Mardi Gras Party Band
Time: 4pm EDT
Home server: Landroval
Notes: Mardi Gras Party Band plays weekly concerts on Landroval. They are also frequent performers at Bread & Jam on Crickhollow. They have previously performed at Winterstock, Shirefest, Winterfest, Horrorfest, and Ales & Tales, but this will be their first Weatherstock.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
Time: 4:30pm EDT
Home server: Brandywine
Notes: The Runic Knights kinship dates back to the beta server. Their orchestra came along a couple of years later, in 2009, to better serve the kin and larger Brandywine community. They play alternating weeks on Landroval and Brandywine and have performed at many events around the game, including an impressive 5 Weatherstocks.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
da Bugans
Time: 5pm EDT
Home server: Landroval
Notes: da Bugans are an infamous group. They’ve hosted Horrorfest since 2014 in their terrifying kinhouse yard and delighted the crowds at Rockfest, Winterstock, and a Day on the Greenfields. They previously appeared at the 2015 Weatherstock Concert Series.
Video links: YouTube, BaraZine
The Lonely Mountain Band always knows how to throw a party. This 9th edition of Weatherstock figures to be one of the best ever, and it starts this weekend at the concert series.