The Family Line Part 139 – Revelry

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Part 139 – Revelry

Sunset came on the land of Evendim. The lake reflected the burning fire of the sky as all the land was tinted in a red-orange color. The trees of the lands, though green, also gave off an orange color as did the grasses. The clouds reflected the bright color of the setting sun as they painted the sky with an orange topaz look.

Evening was coming soon as Theomin and Sergee stood at the memorial site of Athegdir, their father. To the left, supported by the memorial just beside it, sat a single stone; a remembrance of Teryndir. It leaned on his father’s memorial and remained just as Teryndir did, leaning on and being supported by the memory of his father.

Theomin, back in his brown outfit from Rohan looked upon the grave sight of his father and brother. He did not weap, as he had the good feeling that all was okay. He smiled knowing that his brother was finally at peace.

“I know not if father would have been proud of him,” Sergee said quietly to Theomin, back in his colorful outfit he had back in the Lone Lands. “Such a troubled life he had after father died.” Theomin remained quiet as Sergee continued. “But I want to say that he found just a moment of peace while he traveled with us. I really wish to say that he found his real self before he was taken from us in Bree.”

“I do wish you are right,” Theomin said, “But he seemed to succumb to hatred before you took his life.”

“I wish not to think of taking his life,” Sergee said. “I feel not proud of that fact. I only wished that he had not given me that task but I had not the choice.” Sergee stayed quiet for a while before he spoke again, “Did I tell you what Teryndir said before he died?” Theomin shook his head. “He said that I would have to live with his death.”

“Despite what he might have thought of himself,” Theomin said, “He deceived us all. I saw what he was planning. I saw that he conspired with that creature. He knew that moroval creature, the one I knew as Azagod. And they both used us to summon Morgoth. I wonder if Kronog, or Gerald, had any idea what was happening. Teryndir was behind all of it. We were right to not trust him.”

“I know what you are saying,” Sergee said, “and I understand. But I know there was still some part of him that was still good. That there was some part of him that was not angry and manipulative.”

“Though there might have been, we will never know,” Theomin said. Theomin looked out at the beautiful view of Evendim and gave a long sigh and with it wanted to change the subject. “I will miss this view. Of all the sites and smells and sounds I have taken in through my journey, this is the one that will always remain with me.”

“Does this mean you will regret leaving?” Sergee asked.

“Do not be silly,” Theomin quipped, “It is time for me to leave. I have done all I could have done.”

“Mostly,” Sergee said. He looked down at the small island of Tinnudir and gave a knowing smile. “There are but a few more that you must do.”

The two left the gravesite out at the cliff of Tyl Annun in Annuminas. They took a quiet and long journey through the empty way of Annuminas. The throughfare and all the sights had not one person, even though it was a bustling city only a few hours earlier. They walked through the main way down to the first level and toward the stables that housed their horses.

Theomin patted Bragga and gave her neck a tight hug. “Are you ready for our coming journey home?” he patted her head and rubbed it. “We have but a few more tasks we must do before we head home.” He mounted his horse and rode through Men Erain with Sergee riding alongside him. They still were quiet as they made their way though Men Erain and up past he Colossus and up the small hills towards the ruins of old estates that sat at the summits of the two sides of the hills. Then down toward the four watchmen of the Canadiach that marked the crossroads of Parth Aduial. They continued west around the hills and soon heard loud booms coming from the island of Tinnudir. If it was only a week earlier, they would have thought something terrible was happening. But they knew better. It was the sounds of celebrations.

They rounded the hill and among the starlit night sky, large explosions could be seen. Fireworks of all colors were exploding in the sky as the men, elves and dwarves of all lands of Eriador gathered together on the island for festivities. The celebration was marking the uniting of all the lands of Eriador together and stopping the evil being of Morgoth from coming again. It was indeed a time to celebrate with loud and boisterious festivities.

The two crossed the bridge and into the celebrating members of all the lands. The Dunlandings, the Eglain of the Lone-Lands, the Breelanders, the Dunedian Rangers all came together to celebrate together. The dwarves and elves there were also, celebrating alongside the men from all across Eriador. All were conversing with each other, telling of tales of their battles in Annuminas, reminiscing of the fight to free the city of the enemy. Some of the fight in courtyards, the first level, up in Tyl Annun or the Ariant. All had their own stories to tell. All were harrowing and yet powerful stories.

Theomin and Sergee left their horses at the stables as Eleswith walked up to them with a smile. She was clothed in a dress, beautiful and elegant it was as Theomin and Sergee were impressed. “I have not seen you clothed in,” he paused and looked her up and down, “in such a way,” Theomin said.

“Thank you,” Eleswith said in a shy way. “To tell you the truth, I’m not used to wearing such a garment. I would rather be in my own loose and comfortable clothes.”

“Well, tonight is a night to celebrate,” Sergee said. “You look stunning.”

“Thank you,” Eleswith said. “I’m sure glad you two dressed up,” she laughed.

“Had we known this was going to be a formal event we would have dressed more appropriately,” Theomin said.

“I’m teasing,” Eleswith said. “Come, the others are waiting.”

So the remainder of the evening was spent drinking in merriment and laughing with good friends. Sergee and Estonethiel together laughed the night away as they mingled with all men, elves, and dwarves. Magla remained with the men of Bree as they continued to talk first about the battle, and then about what needed to be done in Bree to plan for the future. Though they were talking business, there still was lightheartedness in their conversations.

Lily remained alone on the side as she watched the partying. She looked out of place as Theomin came to her side. “What is the matter?” he asked her. “Why are you not apart of the merriment?”

“I feel out of place,” she said. “I have not been included in such revelry since I was a child. Even then it was so long ago, I forget most of what it was like when I was but a child. I know not how to conduct myself here.”

“I have been apart of many parties,” Theomin said. “Though I have been apart of them, I still have yet to know how to conduct myself at parties. Many times, I stay on the side alone. Other times I find one person to talk with. Many of those times it was Eotheron I spoke with. I know much of what you are talking about. I have never been good at parties. Not large ones anyway.”

“Yet you seemed to do well here at this one,” Lily said.

“Yes, I have,” Theomin admitted. “but that was because people come up to me to talk and jest. I am more than happy to find one friend alone and have a chat. Much like what I am doing with you.”

“Is that what I am?” Lily had to ask. “Am I a friend?”

Theomin stayed quiet for a while. He knew not what to say to her but had to say something, “I feel you are more of a friend than any of these fine folk here. Yes, you are a friend to me and I hope you feel the same.”

“I have not had a friend,” Lily admitted.

“How do you feel,” Theomin asked, “now that you have a friend to talk with?”

“I feel…” she tried to assess the feeling as she paused, “I feel warm. It is a feeling I have not yet had.”

A sudden commotion came over the crowd nearby the bridge to Tinnudir. It was the sounds of awe and loud cheering. Theomin and Lily, curious of what it was, came to the small bridge. There, among the croud of men and women was a man dressed all in white. He bore a long white beard and carried with him a long staff.

“Could it be?” Theomin asked with surprise. “Could that be Gandalf the Grey?”

“I believe it could be,” Lily said. “Though I thought him to be a little more grey.”

Magla came to him and walked him through the crowd. Gandalf looked at Theomin and then looked back down at those nearby him and the crowd parted to let Magla and Gandalf though as they continued to gawk at him. “Enedion, Son of Athegdir,” he greeted Theomin in a grand fashion. “It has been too long since I have lied eyes on you.”

Theomin was speechless as Lily spoke, “You are Gandalf the Grey,” she said in awe.

“I am Gandalf the White,” Gandalf said smiling.

“White?” Theomin finally said. “You were promoted?”

“No I…” Gandalf stopped himself, “well I suppose you could be right. Some could say I worked to death to get it.” He waited for a laugh from Theomin and Lily, but the laugh never came. “Well I suppose you had to be there to get it.” He looked at Theomin and then at Lily. “I have come in the presence of four young hobbits on their journey home. I stopped in Bree and heard of the events that happened here in the ancient city of Annuminas. So, with that news, I decided to make my journey here to meet up with the sons of Athegdir.”

Theomin, out of his stupor of awe, had to speak up, “I am sorry to say there are only two of us,” Theomin said. “Teryndir lost his life.”

“I am sorry to hear that,” Gandalf said. “He was always such a troubled individual. That was why I wanted him to stay with his father. I had always wondered what came of Enedion, though. After not hearing of you in Gondor, I wondered where you and your mother had gone.”

Theomin smiled. He knew his story. He knew his past, his history, where he came from and where he had been. So Theomin told Gandalf the tale of how he came to be in Rohan. He told him how he found out he was adopted and how he came to find out he was from Eriador. He told the tale of his journey and what happened in Dunland. He told of his path to Bree, what happened with Gerald and what happened when he came to Esteldin. He told of his adventures in Evendim and the Lone Lands and all the good people he met and forged friendships with. And he told of the many strange creatures he encountered on his adventures north of the North Downs and under the lonely hill of Aman Sul.

“Your days have not been restless ones, Enedion,” Gandalf said. “Though I know that you had not always kept the same name as you had when you were in Rohan. What manner of name did you have while living amongst the horse lords?”

“I was called, Theomin,” he said.

“Theomin,” Gandalf said with gladness and surprise, “That name is close to that of the former King of Rohan, Theodin.”

“Former king?” Theomin said in surprise. “What happened to the Theodin King?”

The wizard gave a slight chuckle as he knew it was a long story to tell. But he tried to give only a small summary of it, “While you were away, there have been many battles. Many events that would change the shape of Middle Earth itself. In one of those battles, outside the fields of Pelennor in Gondor, Theodin King lost his life to a creature called a Nazgul.”

“The Nazgul,” Lily said as she shivered.

“Yes, I know you have heard of such a creatures, Glanfinel of Edhellond,” Gandalf said as Lily raised in eyebrow in shock. “Yes, even you I know, yet your story I am not sure of. After you left Rivendell in secrecy, I have not heard your tale either.”

“I suppose both Theomin and I are cut from almost the same cloth,” Lily said. “Both he and I have been lost only to show up years later with our own stories to tell.” She went on to tell Gandalf of her story after she left Imladres and her years with Amarthiel. She told of the years she spent working for her and then what she did after her sudden death. She told of Kronog and Teryndir and all the horrible things she did on behalf of Amarthiel, Kronog and Teryndir. Gandalf seemed sad for Lily and for Theomin knowing that his brother had been taken into such a dark place. But he seemed to be optimistic for the future of Middle Earth.

“I am glad you trust in our future,” Theomin said.

“How can I not, Ened…Theomin,” Gandalf said. “The dark powers are done. Sauron is destroyed. With your work here in Eriador, Morgoth is not likely to return. Men will inherit Middle Earth and the elves will sail west to the undying lands.”

“Yes,” Lily said. “but not all of us have a place on the last ships to Valanor.”

“I would not be so certain of that,” Gandalf said as a ceremony began on the other end of the island of Tinnudir. “Come,” he said. “We would not want to be late for the ceremony.”

The three continued toward Tinnudir keep, the one large structure that was part of the island of Tinnudir. There, on the top of the steps of the great building, Sergee and Estonethiel stood together as Magla came just before them.

“We stand together at the steps of the Keep of Tinnudir to join Neleghil and Estonethiel to be joined together in matrimony. I have been given this privilege as mayor of Bree as it is not only a civic duty, but an honor to join these two in such an honorable commitment.” He looked at Sergee with a smile, “Do you promise to hold Estonethiel in the highest esteem, to cherish her and to hold her close as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” Sergee said.

“And do you, Estonethiel, honor your commitment to hold Sergee in the highest esteem, to cherish your bond and hold him close to your heart for as long as you both shall live?” Magla repeated to Estonethiel.

“I do,” Estonethiel smiled.

“Then as mayor of Bree, and the power vested in me as mayor, I now pronounce you man and wife,” Magla said, “You may now kiss the bride.”

Both Sergee and Estonethiel, before all the masses of men, dwarves and elves, held her tight to him and kissed her for a very long time. The crowd cheered, Eleswith cried with happiness, and Theomin and Lily clapped loudly for their friends who had shown such affection for each other for a very long time. Gandalf’s eyes and face was beaming with happiness as he too clapped and laughed happily for it seemed he already knew the union was going to happen.

The festivities continued on long after the union of Sergee and Estonethiel. They continued on all the way to the dawn of the next day, loudly playing music and drinking through the night. The dwarves, of course, brought all the ale and drank most of it. The men had a good amount of ale too, as did the elves. By the end of the night, a thousand barrels of ale were brought, and a thousand barrels of ale were consumed. All seemed right with the world.

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