Community Events: May 26th-June 1st

Community Events: May 26th-June 1st post thumbnail image

Community Calendar:

There will be two concerts on Sirannon Friday: Les Daft Pigs perform French songs and Les Troubadours du Crépuscule play their debut concert.  Start off your summer the right way on Saturday with a pool party on Belegaer featuring music from Frische Brise, Hopfenfees and Friends, the Michel Delving Bunny Watch, Mondbarden, Ohrwurm, Struck by Moonlight, and Wilde Mühle.   Also on Saturday, Lindamar, the ensemble of Bar-en-Vanimar, presents a concert with elven themed songs celebrating the change of a season on Laurelin.  Look below for details on these featured events and a few more, including a couple of 10th anniversary celebrations.

Special notes:

This column will be on hiatus next week while a certain hobbit goes on vacation.  The community events listing will return on June 9th with all the details on the upcoming Brandywine Summer Music Fest and Shirefest.

Speaking of Shirefest, one of the bands had to pull out so there is now a spot available at 3pm on Saturday, June 17th at 3pm EDT.  Please contact, well, me if you want to know more or reply to the post on the Crickhollow Music forums.  Thus concludes this shameless plug for my own festival.

This listing of featured events is only published on Fridays, but our Google calendar is kept up to date throughout the week and includes details on many more activities.  We always aim to have the most complete events calendar in the game and accept events of all types on all servers.  Take a look at this week’s agenda for upcoming events around LOTRO and copy some or all events to your personal calendar.  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page and on the calendar is to submit a form.

Server calendars: Arkenstone CalendarBelegaer CalendarBrandywine CalendarCrickhollow CalendarEvernight Calendar, Gladden CalendarGwaihir CalendarLandroval CalendarLaurelin Calendar, and Sirannon Calendar

All events listed in Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT)/server time.  Most Laurelin events will also be listed at British time, BST (+1 GMT), and all events on Belegaer and Sirannon are listed with CEST (+2 GMT).  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page is to submit a form.  I’m always open to feedback and suggestions, both here and through the submissions form, so let me know if there’s something we should feature.  Thanks for reading!

Featured events for this week:

Friday, May 26

The Elders Kinship 10 Year Anniversary

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3pm EDT (8pm BST)

Location: Lake Evendim to Annuminas

Description: The party will begin with a race starting from Lake Evendim and the ruined city of Annúminas. The destination will be revealed as the race is about to start. Travel to Tinnudir. Take a boat to Men Erain. Head towards the city of Annúminas along the road and at the end of the tombs you will find an archway where the city begins.

Les Daft Pigs

Server: Sirannon

Time: 3pm EDT (9pm CEST)

Location: Prancing Pony Stables

Description: French music concert

Les Troubadours du Crépuscule

Server: Sirannon

Time: 3:15pm EDT (9:15pm CEST)

Location: Weathertop

Description: Debut concert

Click for more Friday events


Saturday, May 27

Pool Party

Server: Belegaer

Time: 2pm EDT (8pm CEST)

Location: Festplatz, Breeland

Description: Music from Frische Brise, Hopfenfees and Friends, the Michel Delving Bunny Watch, Mondbarden, Ohrwurm, Struck by Moonlight, and Wilde Mühle.

Lilthad am-Ethuil Sûl concert with Lindamar

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3pm EDT (8pm BST)

Location: The Spire of Meeting, Rivendell Valley

Description: As the season changes, and warmer winds brings whispers of joy and merriment, all Elves and Elven-friends are welcome to celebrate Lilthad am-Ethuil Sûl with us, themed through elven music and lyrics.  Bring your favorite kites with you and let them fly high, dancing with the wind, during the concert to be part of the celebration.

Click for more Saturday events


Sunday, May 28

The HOPE: Sunshine Reggae & Ska

Server: Landroval

Time: 1pm

Location: Hobbiton Task Board (31.2S, 71.2W), The Shire

Description: Concert

Radix Lecti 10 Year Anniversary Party

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2:30pm EDT (7:30pm BST)

Location: Bree-town and 5 Long Street, Ravenmere, Bree Homesteads

Description: There will be celebratory fireworks in Bree followed by a race through Bree to the South Gate over to the Potato Inn at 5 Long Street, Ravenmere, Bree Homesteads.  The Red Company’s Band will then perform.

Click for more Sunday events


Monday, May 29

Ales and Tales

Server: Landroval

Time: 8:30pm for Nibbles & Nobs, 9:30pm for Ales & Tales

Location: Harper’s Court, Dol Amroth

Description:  Volunteer to tell a tale, sing a song, recite a new poem, anything you wish to share with others in an RP setting. Nibbles and Nobs offers an open stage to all performers, while Ales and Tales features a house band and scheduled performers (all are welcome to sign up).  Location changes every week, so /joinchannel alesandtales to find out more information.


Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11pm

Location: The Bird & Baby Inn, Michel Delving

Description: Tell stories, share poetry, sing, dance, or eat: it’s all up to you! Play music solo or with a group. Role-playing is encouraged. The doors are open to folks of all shapes and sizes.

Click for more Monday events


Tuesday, May 30

Pie Shop Lads (and Lassies) Summer Tour of The Shire

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3:30pm

Location: Frogmorton – outside The Floating Log

Description:  The Pie Shop Lads (and Lassies) tour continues to its second stop in the Shire, this time in Frogmorton.

Click for more Tuesday events


Wednesday, May 31

Tunes and Ales

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11am and 10:30pm

Location: The Hill, Hobbiton, The Shire

Description: Midweek Tunes and Ales is a weekly event every Wednesday at 10:30pm and 11:00am servertime.  It’s always in a different place each week, we could be at Weathertop or Rivendell, maybe even the depths of Moria, playing music throughout Middle Earth!  We welcome all travelers who are passing through to join if like to share a tune, story, or just dance!

Click for more Wednesday events


Thursday, June 1


Server: Belegaer

Time: 2pm (8pm CEST)

Location: Prancing Pony Stage

Description: Concert

Click for more Thursday events

Coming soon:

Die Bunten Vögel will perform on the Arkenstone server Saturday, June 3rd at 4pm EDT/server time in front of the Prancing Pony.

The Minstrel Guild of Bree hosts Summer Music Fest on Brandywine on June 10th.  Bands will include Shire Tramps, ARDA, Runic Knights Orchestra, Harlequins, The Country Bluegrass Band, GoblinFyre, and more.  To sign up please visit their forums.

Shirefest is coming to Crickhollow next month, June 16th-18th.  The full schedule of bands has been announced and is up on the Crickhollow Music website.

Festival time:

The Department of Strategery put together some excellent guides for the scavenger hunt Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4Year 5Year 6, and Year 7.

3 thoughts on “Community Events: May 26th-June 1st”

  1. Is it possible to add The Maidens of Vanimor play Monday from 7:30 GMT by the Prancing Pony Rock on Laurelin (I can’t find any other way of being added to the Calendar
    Many thanks – Everlin

    1. I’ve added it to the main calendar. Sorry for the late response but Wifi was terribly spotty on my trip. Will this be a regular concert or a one-time event? If weekly or monthly I’ll make sure to feature it next time around.

      Best way to get anything on the calendar is to submit a form at I can’t set the calendar to open editing for sadly obvious reasons, but after I receive a form I try to make sure it’s added asap and featured on the next post.

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