Community Calendar:
The Alefords and Struck by Moonlight are hosting a beer festival, The Moonshine Party, Saturday on Laurelin. The lineup of musicians, poets, and storytellers is impressive. Sirannon’s 4th Blades and Needles (De Lames et d’Aiguittes) fashion show will also be held on Saturday. Sunday is the Great Race from Michel Delving to the Black Gate on Crickhollow. Find more details about these and other featured events below, and look at our calendar for more information on many more events around the game.
Shirefest IV will be taking place June 16-18 at the Methel-stage. Band sign up will open on the Crickhollow Music website at 4pm EDT/9pm BST on April 21st. Mythgard’s Exploring the Lord of the Rings on Location will be on break until May 9th.
This listing of featured events is only published on Fridays, but our Google calendar is kept up to date throughout the week and includes details on many more activities. We always aim to have the most complete events calendar in the game, and accept events of all types on all servers. Take a look at this week’s agenda for upcoming events around LOTRO and copy some or all events to your personal calendar. You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page and on the calendar is to submit a form.
Server calendars: Arkenstone Calendar, Belegaer Calendar, Brandywine Calendar, Crickhollow Calendar, Evernight Calendar, Gladden Calendar, Gwaihir Calendar, Landroval Calendar, Laurelin Calendar, and Sirannon Calendar
All events listed in Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT)/server time. Most Laurelin events will also be listed at British time, BST (+1 GMT), and all events on Belegaer and Sirannon are listed with CEST (+2 GMT). You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page is to submit a form. I’m always open to feedback and suggestions, both here and through the submissions form, so let me know if there’s something we should feature. Thanks for reading!
Featured events for this week:
Bread & Jam
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 9pm
Location: The Prancing Pony
Description: Share your new or favorite tunes and tales, have an ale or two, kick up your heels in a dance, and enjoy yourself! Role-players are warmly welcomed.
Server: Laurelin
Time: 12:45pm EDT (5:45pm BST)
Location: 4 Brookbank St, Alebrook, Shire Homesteads
Description: A beer festival which brings together all sorts of wonderful ales and beers with performances by talented musicians, poets, and storytellers.
Blades and Needles (De Lames et d’Aiguittes)
Server: Sirannon
Time: 3pm EDT (9pm CEST)
Location: Methel-stage (Scène de Methel en Comté)
Description: Fashion show (Défilé de mode)
Click for more Saturday events
The Great Race
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 1pm
Location: Michel Delving to the Black Gate
Description: This war-steed race is from Michel Delving to The Black gate and all areas in between on a path of your choice. It’s a long race with many dangers! Visit the forums for rules and more information.
Ales and Tales
Server: Landroval
Time: 8:30pm for Nibbles & Nobs, 9:30pm for Ales & Tales
Location: Duillond, Ered Luin
Description: Volunteer to tell a tale, sing a song, recite a new poem, anything you wish to share with others in an RP setting. Nibbles and Nobs offers an open stage to all performers, while Ales and Tales features a house band and scheduled performers (all are welcome to sign up). Location changes every week, so /joinchannel alesandtales to find out more information.
Server: Belegaer
Time: 2pm EDT (8pm CEST)
Location: Prancing Pony Stage
Description: Weekly concert
Green Hill Music Society plays a Tribute to Fleetwood Mac
Server: Landroval
Time: 9pm
Location: In front of the Bird & Baby, Michel Delving
Description: Playing music from the band Fleetwood Mac! Good music, dancing, drinking and just plain fun!
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 11am and 10:30pm
Location: Echad Andestel, Lothlórien
Description: Midweek Tunes and Ales is a weekly event every Wednesday at 10:30pm and 11:00am servertime. It’s always in a different place each week, we could be at Weathertop or Rivendell, maybe even the depths of Moria, playing music throughout Middle Earth! We welcome all travelers who are passing through to join if like to share a tune, story, or just dance!
Click for more Wednesday events
Eriador Music Society
Server: Landroval
Time: 10:30pm
Location: Founders Statue
Description: Weekly concert with open mic after band’s performance
Click for more Thursday events
Coming soon:
The search for the May Queen–and King–starts on Laurelin. It’s the fifth year that they’re searching for a local lass to become queen, but for the first time the lads will get their chance to compete. Lasses and lads of all ages who have not yet held the title should send their name to Nannie. The winner is announced at the coronation party on May 6th.
Festival time:
The Official LOTRO Events Schedule is up to date through the end of the year (minus special perks like VIP or lootbox weekends). The Anniversary celebration runs through May 9th, and the scavenger hunt quests will keep coming until July 13th. The Department of Strategery put together some excellent guides for the scavenger hunt Year 1, Year 2, and making an efficient path around the world.