Update 20 to be released on Tuesday, March 21st

Update 20 to be released on Tuesday, March 21st post thumbnail image

Hear ye, hear ye!

In last weeks Twitch stream Cordovan did say that since they had a release candidate version of the build this weekend will probably not see the build. Also, the update was, for some difficulties they encountered, moved to not-Monday. Now the update is announced to release tomorrow, Tuesday, March 21st. You can read the downtime announcement here. The release notes you can find on this link don’t say what has been changed since the beta 2 build we wrote about. With Update 20 coming out and some other events we may be looking at U20, spring festival and anniversary all coming out in the period of next three weeks?

It would be great to know two things, though. How often will the Ornate Inlay drop, since we didn’t really get to raid on BR much. But maybe what I would like to know more is what could we expect from the new epic quest line. Since this is a pretty important part of the book, the epic rewards should be massive. Is there a unique item behind it? The only thing not yet updated from the gear is the Class Item. Do we get a few upgrade items like star-lit or remembrance crystals? Cosmetic or housing items?

Or do we just get Sauron’s middle finger with a side dish of lag?

8 thoughts on “Update 20 to be released on Tuesday, March 21st”

    1. Sadly. I don’t expect much, but hope they do more than just a cool story and housing. Could hope for some meaningful item to the story, but that might be too much to ask.

  1. If now the lag is tremendous, imagine when all people get on u20 to chec the new content. I think we will stand still. Hope that they did something about lag issue.

    1. Hopefuly layers will help with that. The worlds are now open, so we’ll see very soon if they did anything to deal with lag.

  2. To heel on the valley of the lag! Dame. I rage quit. The lag was incredible with all the layers. Can’t even move for 2 min…Can’t mont..Can’t do nothing.
    And wtf is whit that quest where you have to gathering soldiers for drink or somthing like that. You need a day to do that. Was a crazy figth over solidiers. Dame it. In 30 minuts of runing around i only get 1 soldier out of 8.

    1. After a day the soldiers are much easier to finish and the lag isn’t as bad. Farms also moved from open field into the towers.

  3. So, the did a restart. It improved the game for all of 3 minutes. And then, they remove the reputation items from the “fellowship area” by announcing in a World Broadcast that it was “unintentional”. Right. This Update is turning into a complete disaster.

    1. You are correct. They didn’t fix anything. Reduced drop rate and hope for less farms. Farms still give more than 35 items a week. And that it wasn’t intended was just a lie. Central Gondor was also not intended?

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