A New Book for Musical Ninnies.

Hello Musical and Non Musical LOTRO Players,

After declaring I would update the sheet music for The Ninny Hammers way back in December 2016 I can finally confirm that it is complete.

I took the decision to split the classical music from the other genres as well as checking each file in the current system. Now I may be blowing my trumpet far too soon. As the proof of the abc is always in the performance, so I can but hope that many of these updated files will proove their quality at our Saturday afternoon performances.

All those folks expecting a link to the new book, you will be asked to wait just a little longer as I plan on passing the afternoon testing a few songs. Ninny’s who will be performing with Liliditty Buggins this Saturday will need this 1.9 version. So look out in the usual places for those links from the 8th March onward.

More news about my latest community project the Eriador Philharmomic Orchestra will be announced this week, to all those who donated an arrangement note I will be organising a rehearsal (March 25th)  before our 8th April Performance.

To give you all a taste of one of my most complicated arrangements, here is my (updated) 14 Part – Shine On You Crazy Diamond.

The (H) in the title is an indication of adapted lyrics by a talented Elf, Miss Hollyberye from the Lonely Mountain Band kinship.

I am very proud of this work which took far longer to compile than I would care to admit.

The Ninny Hammers/The Lore Hall Ensemble- Landroval –

Saturdays 2.00pm est – The Lore Hall – Bree.

Chat Channel:-  /LandrovalMusic

Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

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