LOTRO Update 20: Fellowship crafting instances

LOTRO Update 20: Fellowship crafting instances post thumbnail image

This may be a little bit too soon for a 2nd part of the article, but this will just maybe clarify some other things. I have wrote in the first article about the items you can get, the differences and what you need to get those. You can check out that article here.

You can also watch videos on the new areas here.

In the meantime I was able to complete the prerequisites for the fellowship instances and I must say that going back and forth in Lang Rhuven was a complete pain. Not only did I need to enter and exit the fellowship landscape are several times, but the quests and deeds there were also insane. One of the quests, rescuing the horses, has you follow a horse around the camp, which you can’t let die. The horse is aggroing everything around itself and you end up clearing that half of the camp while you get it to safety. The deeds on the normal landscape have normal number for completing them. The deed for Lang Rhuven is 200 for the first tier and 400 for the second.

After you finally complete this line you get to complete to prerequisite fellowship quests in the towers, or should I say basements. In these you need to kill some mobs in the fellowship areas – behind the wooden gate in one and at the far end in the other tower. Only then you can go and finish the fellowship crafting instance you have completed the prerequisite for. For now and for my group, the scholar one seemed to be bugged as we couldn’t turn in some quest and we didn’t complete that one.

In the article from yesterday I have wrote about barter items you need for the new gear and there was one very curious item that seemed to be useless. Well, it’s not. This is for now the only useful item you can get by trading 20 of each flower for it. This set of brittle lock-picks is used to unlock the treasure chest which is found behind the boss. Rewards today weren’t anything special, seem to be the usual armour/provision/weapon. The boss did drop one tarnished sigil of Gondor for me. This seems to be random loot on boss kill, as we didn’t see it drop from any box for now.

There are some downsides to the fellowship version of the crafting instances. They just feel a lot like they added more mobs with more morale in a solo instance and raised the number of players that can join. This because when you’re mining for Dagorlad ore only one player will get the loot from the node. This node should be made into a quest-like item that can be used by everyone in the fellowship, so we don’t fight over those or abandon fighting to loot first. Also, the sidequests you get to pick some stuff up if one player does it, it doesn’t advance for everyone. So you will have 6 players wasting time on picking up some random items to advance the quest. The visibility of the chest behind the boss you would use the lock-pick on is also not the best as it had no name when we were inside, so maybe some glow to it would be nice.

You can watch the solo versions in the following videos:

In other notes… If you haven’t you can also go and check out the new LOTRO Beacon: Issue #2.


2 thoughts on “LOTRO Update 20: Fellowship crafting instances”

  1. “This because when you’re mining for Dagorlad ore only one player will get the loot from the node. This node should be made into a quest-like item that can be used by everyone in the fellowship, so we don’t fight over those or abandon fighting to loot first. ”
    Exactly what I expected from a fellowship resource instance.. those with the better tools will get to loot them.. this doesnt sound like fun.. Ill be sticking with the solo instances.. aint got no time for a node race..

    1. It is still only beta, so I hope they will have another BR build before going live and fix some of these issues. It is really separated from reality that the fellowship should fight over these resources.

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