A peak into critters, Help i’m 105 guide (Critters Journey)

Sometimes you post 50 weeks at a time. Sometimes you see that large cliffhanger loaming and getting closer and closer. Critters battle at Minas tirith was one massive hangup that was supposed to be end to all a year ago. Lotro changes, lotro to me changes and plans changed.

The big city wasnt meant to be the Final chapter. Critters that were planned to be written off might have to be around for a while.  Battle of dagorlad was loaming months away. I’d have some time to figure it all out (atleast i thought).

Then standing stone games happened. Fall 2017 turned into march, prequel episodes turned into february.  What was happening? In the endi still had no cohesive plan.  But then  powersurge killed my internet for a few days, a kinnie rekindled my fires through Twitter.  The timeline is there, the motivation is back. Sometimes you need that kick in the but when you feel lost.

Deadlines loaming, but whoever says critters is a loose thing. I present the results of a night not tethered, but still in the mind of lotro.  24 small pieces of paper out all of Minas tirith battle, After battle and north ithilien pre-U20.

Not included in the photo are the drafts of a “Help i’m 105 – a quick total guide to a new 105”.  A project answering most questions new 105 might have. First draft available to all at Critters website / kin website.

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