Exploring Lord of the Rings: The G.L.O.B.E.

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Chapter 1: A Long Expected Party (Part 2)

A fine gathering assembled on Crickhollow for this installment of “LOTRO meets LotR”.

We explored the character differences in Bilbo Baggins when we first meet him in Ch 1. of The Hobbit and again in Ch 1. Of The Fellowship of the Ring. Looking at how Bilbo has developed and how Bilbo has caused other folk around him to change.

Here is the full class,

I must confess I didn’t make the field trip, I was far too stuffed and sleepy from all the festivities in Winterhome.

I hope my after class trip to Frostbluff will compensate for my absence.

Next week we will be gathering in the Lore Hall on Arkenstone.

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