In the wake of the news about Standing Stone Games. The big question of the license has once again surfaced back up, as it does from time to time.
Community Manager Cordovan has put an end to the worry, and speculation once and forum in a answer to a forum question.
As stated in the FAQ, the license has been renewed. Since this license is no different from every other IP license, and since it’s a standard piece of behind the scenes business, it is not something we are going to provide further specifics on. Suffice it to say, the license will continue to be a non-issue for the rest of the game’s life, and we expect to continue developing LOTRO for many, many years to come, with your support.
I hope this will put an end to some fears that someone people had, of course this issue seems to flair up a lot, but I hope with what Cordovan said, we can all rest a little easier, knowing that there will be life after Mordor.
Looking at the [url=]reddit[/url] discussion, for example, – seems never
Yeah but what if Tolkien comes back to life? Then the license may be in doubt.
Zombie Tolkien! Oh Dear….
I must admit to being incredibly curious about POST-MORDOR content. Where do we go next?
After Mordor? So many possibilities: Minhiriath, Lindon, Anfalas, Rhûn, Harondor, Khand, Harad, Northern Mirkwood, Grey Mountains, the whole Kingdom of Erebor with Dale, Esgaroth, Elvenking’s Halls etc. pp. …
I am liking the change to SSG more and more each day.
Cop: “Your driving license, please.” — Cordovan: “Read our damn FAQ.” — xD