LOTRO Store Sales 12/2/16 – 12/8/16


Free Sample Of The Week December 2nd – 8th
Simple Rally Horn x1 Use Coupon Code GETTOGETHER 1/Account




Shared Storage

Drac Says – YES!!! YES!!! ALWAYS good to see this on sale!Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Vault Upgrades

Drac Says – YES!!! YES!!! ALWAYS good to see this on sale!Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Inventory Slots

Drac Says – YES!!! YES!!! ALWAYS good to see this on sale!Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Currency Cap

Drac Says – I’d say if your F2P Or Premium than you want to invest in this.. More Monies Is Good!

Shared Wardrobe

Drac Says – if your want to store lots of those outfits!Thumbs_Up (Custom)



6 thoughts on “LOTRO Store Sales 12/2/16 – 12/8/16”

  1. Hello there! once im new to this game, and am seeing this “Store, Carry & Share” again, let me ask : is it possible to ‘predict’ when the next week of, lets say, “Make Haste” will be back? as it seems, there are just a few ‘types’ of weeks … Boost your stats, Be Virtuous, Reclaim Moria, etc. Can you guys help me understand this ?

    Thank you very much!!

    1. Hello Bruno!

      As far as I know, the sales are unpredictable from week to week. However, you are correct with your observation of the themes. Vault upgrades, currency cap, and other storage upgrades will always go on sale together. Theses “themes” repeat roughly every 4-6 weeks, though it’s up to Turbine and it’s never guaranteed.

      ~ Morri

    2. The sales repeat about every 4-6 weeks (Other than the December deals)

      You will always see the same items on sale together ie – If it’s a Store, Carry & Share you will always see the same Vault Upgrades, Storage ETC…

      Hope that answers your questions!

      1. Hello! thanks to both of you! Nice to know, i can ‘kind of’ expect 4-6 weeks to see the same offers again. But could you please explain me the december deals? (i mean.. if youre meaning xmas ones… cause if youre meaning those Monster Classes discounts, its ok).

        Thank you VERY much!

      2. Sure, the December deals is something Turbine does every year during December, what will happen is every week something will be on sale, these are pretty deep discounts too. It will vary from week to week as well.. This week it’s all about Monster Play.

        35% off Monster Classes
        35% off Monster Play & Traits and Skills
        35% off 100% Infamy/Renown Gain
        35% off Monster Play Apperances

        Next week it might Character slots, quests, etc. This are usually the best deals you can get int he LOTRO Store.

  2. Nice, man! i was ‘studying’ your site’s list of Store Sales .. and yeah, they have ‘some’ logic aroud it as you both told me. Sometimes, no they dont, but in general, theres a certain expectation. Good to know that we’re close to xmas too, and new years, so new discounts at Market also 😀

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