The Tolkien Professor Says Any Kin, Any Server

Corey Olsen, The Tolkien Professor, and also known as Gryfflet the Burglarious from his Friday afternoon stream on Turbine’s Twitch channel let listeners know on his November 25th stream that he would be happy to join any interested kinships at events they are having over the holiday season or into the new year to talk Tolkien and LOTRO.

This invitation extends to all servers, not just on Landroval which is where he is currently playing. “I don’t want to limit my interactions with players and kins just to Landroval,” he said. “I am establishing at least one character on every server so that I can join any kin that would like to include me in an event.”

Corey is preparing for a new discussion series entitled  “Exploring The Lord of the Rings,” a weekly in-game and streamed session that will walk (slowly) through all three books of the trilogy and consider how Turbine has adapted and expanded on the original story.  The series will begin on January 3rd (Tolkien’s birthday) and will convene on a different server each week so that all attendees will be able to join him in game.

To invite Corey to participate in an event, kins should send an email to Maven (Trish Lambert) at

3 thoughts on “The Tolkien Professor Says Any Kin, Any Server”

  1. This is going to be fantastic. I can hardly wait! Glad they will all be recorded so I can watch/listen to many I wont be able to attend live!!!

  2. Oh, how grand! I, too, am very happy to hear that the sessions will be recorded, as I don’t always have the time myself to watch these events live. Thank you!

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