Community Events: September 23rd-29th

This week’s featured events:

Belegaer once again presents the Boar Market, featuring RP trade, a play, raffles, and music from some of the best known bands on the server: Die Bunten Vögel, Die Frische Brise, Schall und Rauch, and Tristess de la Lune.  The market will run from 1pm-6pm EDT/19:00-24:00 CEST on September 25th.


The Minas Tirith chicken run will also return to Evernight on September 25th.  Chickens and protectors should start gathering at 1:30pm EDT/19:30 CEST because the journey will start promptly at 2pm/20:00.  If interested in joining up as a chicken, please complete all prerequisites prior to the run.  For more details, please visit the forums thread.

All events are listed in Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT)/server time, but an additional time zone is listed for EU server events.  You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page is to submit a form.  I’m always open to feedback and suggestions, both here and through the submissions form, so let me know if there’s something we should feature.  Thanks for reading!

Friday, September 23

Die Meisterbarden von Bree

Server: Gwaihir

Time: 2pm (8pm CEST)

Location: Bree Auction Hall

Description: Concert

Green Dragon Friday

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3pm (8pm BST)

Location: The Green Dragon, Bywater, The Shire

Description: Lively, lore-relevant hobbit night at the Inn.  Bring a riddle, a song, a poem or a story if you like! Please note this is a hobbit preferred roleplaying event, with travelling dwarves welcome.

A Rock and A Hard Place

Server: Gladden

Time: 4pm

Location: Bree West Gate, opposite the Stables

Description: Concert

Bread and Jam Sessions

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 9pm

Location: The Prancing Pony, Bree

Description: Share your new or favorite tunes and tales, have an ale or two, kick up your heels in a dance, and enjoy yourself! Role-players are warmly welcomed.

The Fluffy Unicorns Jam Session

Server: Landroval

Time: 9pm

Location: Prancing Pony Stables, Bree

Description: Concert


Saturday, September 24

Breakfast Club

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 1pm

Location: Bree South Gate

Description: Concert

Courserrim Third Anniversary Party

Server: Landroval

Time: 2pm

Location: 5 Long Street, Bowing, Bree Homesteads

Description: Includes party games and music by the Remediators

Hochzeit von Mairad & Mibi (Wedding of Mairad & Mibi)

Server: Belegaer

Time: 2pm (20:00 CEST)

Location: Stock

Description: Am Samstag, dem 24. September, wird der gesendete Elbenherr Olodriel die Trauung des Paares im Beisein der Freunde, Bekannten und Verwandten durchführen.  Für musikalische Unterhaltung wird gesorgt sein.

Western & Central Gondor Roving Threat Raid

Server: Landroval

Time: 2:30pm

Location: Western & Central Gondor

Description: Members of Sleepless Knights start calling for fellows at 2:30 in /world, and the raiding begins at about 3:00 once the group is filled. So keep an ear out early if you wish to get a spot.

OAKS presents Shire Tramps

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3pm (20:00 UK)

Location: Town square of the Oldfurlong neighborhood, Shire homesteads

Description: Concert

Under The Sunlit Sky

Server: Landroval

Time: 3pm

Location: Outside the Prancing Pony, Bree

Description: Concert

Dulcet Tones

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 4:30pm

Location: Prancing Pony Stone, Bree

Description: Concert


Server: Landroval

Time: 6pm

Location: Bree Town Stage

Description: Concert

Little to No Drama

Server: Landroval

Time: 7pm

Location: Prancing Pony Stables

Description: Concert

Instance Night

Server: Landroval

Time: 8pm

Location: Meets at the Mustering Hill between the stables and crafting hall in Michel Delving

Description: Instance night open to all levels and classes, contact Miss Lerillos

Animal House

Server: Landroval

Time: 9pm

Location: Prancing Pony Stable Courtyard.

Description: Concert

Bards, Beers, and Longbeards

Server: Landroval

Time: 11.59pm

Location: Prancing Pony Stage, Bree-Town

Description: Concert


Sunday, September 25

No Whole Bard

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 7am (9pm AEST)

Location: Prancing Pony Stage

Description: Concert


Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11am

Location: The Bird and Baby Inn

Description: Tell stories, share poetry, sing, dance, or eat: it’s all up to you! Play music solo or with a group. Role-playing is encouraged. The doors are open to folks of all shapes and sizes.

The Department of Harmony and Song

Server: Landroval

Time: 1pm

Location: Bree Festival Stage

Description: Concert

Keilermarkt in Bree & Aufführung der Ziehenden Musikanten

Server: Belegaer

Time: 1pm (19:00 CEST)

Location: Keilerbrunnen, Bree (Boar Fountain)

Description: Program of theatre, trade, juggling, raffles, and music from Die Bunten Voegel, Die Frische Brise, Schall und Rauch, and Tristesse de la Lune

Breemarsch der Durins Faust der Gerechten

Server: Belegaer

Time: 2pm (20:00 CEST)

Location: Uhr Westtor von Bree (Bree West Gate)

Description: Es gehört schon beinahe zur Tradition der Zwergengemeinschaft “Durins Faust der Gerechten” an jedem Sonntag einen Marsch durch die Menschenstadt Bree, im gleichnamigen Breeland, zu machen.

Western & Central Gondor Roving Threat Raid

Server: Landroval

Time: 2:30pm

Location: Western & Central Gondor

Description: Members of Sleepless Knights start calling for fellows at 2:30 in /world, and the raiding begins at about 3:00 once the group is filled. So keep an ear out early if you wish to get a spot.

The Andune Ensemble

Server: Landroval

Time: 3pm

Location: Bree Stage

Description: Concert


Server: Landroval

Time: 4pm

Location: Prancing Pony Stables

Description: Concert

Roving Threats Night

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 6pm

Location: starting location varies week to week

Description: All characters able to take on level 100 threats are welcome to join.  Contact Dallofin or look for announcements in world channel starting at 5:45pm.

Ruthless Raiders

Server: Landroval

Time: 6pm

Location: TBA

Description: Folks level 65+ welcome, contact Ayrhawk

Vanimor Nights

Server: Landroval

Time: 8:30pm

Location: Bree Festival Stage

Description: Concert


Monday, September 26

Suicidal Monster Mob

Server: Landroval

Time: 1pm

Location: Ettenmoors

Description: Creep raids

Instant Play

Server: Gwaihir

Time: 2pm (7pm BST)

Location: West Bree Stables, Bree-Town

Description: Concert

Michel Delving Market

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2:30pm (7:30pm GMT)

Location: Michel Delving, The Shire

Description: Bi-weekly hobbit market, especially good for young hobbits setting out on their journeys.

Nibbles and Nobs / Ales and Tales

Server: Landroval

Time: 8:30 Nibbles – 9:30 to 11:30 A&T

Location: Wellinghall, Entwood in West Rohan. [38.3S, 85.2W]

Description: Volunteer to tell a tale, sing a song, recite a new poem, anything you wish to share with others in an RP setting. Nibbles and Nobs offers an open stage to all performers, while Ales and Tales features a house band and scheduled performers (all are welcome to sign up).  Location changes every week, so /joinchannel alesandtales  to find out this week’s location.


Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11pm

Location: Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.

Description: Tell stories, share poetry, sing, dance, or eat: it’s all up to you! Play music solo or with a group. Role-playing is encouraged. The doors are open to folks of all shapes and sizes.


Tuesday, September 27

Suicidal Monster Mob

Server: Landroval

Time: 1pm

Location: Ettenmoors

Description: Creep raids

Michel Delving Market

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2:30pm (7:30pm GMT)

Location: Michel Delving, The Shire

Description: Bi-weekly hobbit market, especially good for young hobbits setting out on their journeys.

Gala Du Lierre Touffu

Server: Sirannon

Time: 3pm (21:00 CEST)

Location: The Ivy Bush Inn, Hobbiton, The Shire

Description: Singing Tour, Music, Poems, Stories, Tales and Jokes.  Open stage for everyone.

The Mardi Gras Party Band

Server: Landroval

Time: 8pm

Location: Prancing Pony Inn, Bree

Description: Concert

Green Hill Music Society

Server: Landroval

Time: 9pm

Location: Prancing Pony Stage

Description: Concert

Runic Knights Orchestra

Server: Brandywine

Time: 9pm

Location: Bree Park

Description: Concert

Mythgard Adventures

Server: Landroval

Time: 9:30pm

Location: 2 Frothing Road, Eldinggraf, Thorin’s Hall homesteads

Description: Mythgard Kinship leader Wigend (aka the Tolkien Professor) offers a brief webinar lore talk, then Skirmish Master Pineleaf Needles leads an instance or skirmish.


Wednesday, September 28

Midweek Tunes and Ales

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11am

Location: 21st Hall, Moria

Description: Midweek Tunes and Ales is a weekly event every Wednesday at 10:30pm and 11:00am servertime.  It’s always in a different place each week, we could be at Weathertop or Rivendell, maybe even the depths of Moria, playing music throughout Middle Earth!  We welcome all travelers who are passing through to join if like to share a tune, story, or just dance!

Little Wanderers present The Night of the Muses

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2:30pm (7:30pm BST)

Location: Eldar Monument in Michel Delving, The Shire

Description: The Little Wanderers play a concert, but afterwards others are welcome to join in the action by playing their own songs

Dwarves Night Out

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3pm (20:00 BST)

Location: Thorin’s Hall Inn

Description: Get together to share songs, tales, and have a good together and an ale or six!  This is a dwarf only event but all Dwarrow friends are welcome.

Hûd i Eledhrim (Hall of Fire) Wednesdays

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3pm (20:00 BST)

Location: Hall of Fire, Last Homely House, Rivendell

Description: Come for converse, food and drink, music and song, poetry and tale-telling!


Server: Landroval

Time: 8:30pm

Location: Bree-Town Park across from the jail, Bree-Town

Description: Concert

Bright Star

Server: Landroval

Time: 9:30pm

Location: Bree-Town Park across from the jail, Bree-Town

Description: Concert

Midweek Tunes and Ales

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 10:30pm

Location: 21st Hall, Moria

Description: Midweek Tunes and Ales is a weekly event every Wednesday at 10:30pm and 11:00am servertime.  It’s always in a different place each week, we could be at Weathertop or Rivendell, maybe even the depths of Moria, playing music throughout Middle Earth!  We welcome all travelers who are passing through to join if like to share a tune, story, or just dance!


Thursday, September 29

Bird & Baby Yard Party

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2:30pm (7:30pm BST)

Location: Outside of the Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving, The Shire

Description:  When there is a scheduled event, feel free to play music, tell stories or whatever during breaks, but we ask that you yield the stage to the evening’s main act at their discretion.

Concerning Hobbits Pub Party

Server: Landroval

Time: 8:30pm

Location: Bird n’ Baby, Michel Delving, The Shire

Description: These weekly parties feature games, music, pies, light RP, prizes, and fireworks. Party games include the Bad Joke Contest, Riddle Game, Hide-a-Hobbit, and more.

Eriador Music Society

Server: Landroval

Time: 10:30pm

Location: Founder’s Statue, Michel Delving, The Shire

Description: Concert

Coming soon:

Music Over Arnor celebrates 8 years of LOTRO in Russia.  The old Russian language servers may be gone, but the players and their songs remain.  Come to Amon Raith in the North Downs on Landroval October 1st at 1pm for music from The Hope, Arda, Polnolunie, Radagast’s Pipe, Andune Ensemble, Les Chantefables, Instant Play, and DisEnchanted.  Помни о прошлом, радуйся настоящему–Remember the Past, Rejoice in the Present.


The Drunken Horse Race comes to Crickhollow on October 2nd at 3pm.  Race around Ered Luin, The Shire, Bree-land, The North Downs, and Evendim with the “assistance” of 8 mugs of ale.  Racers may choose any path they like in between checkpoints, but a drink of ale is required at each stop.  Please visit the official forums thread for more details on the course and prizes.

Looking back:

Dulcet Tones celebrated Talk Like a Pirate Day and the Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariner with a special concert on Monday.  Gamutdorok caught the action on the Brandywine Bridge:


Zedrock and Hollyberye gathered together videos for all of the Rockfest performers.  Visit Barazine to view your favorite band’s performance.  One of the performers, the Shire Tramps, can be seen again this Saturday at September OAKS–watch the video below for a little preview.

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