Poll: Did You Like the Bingo Boffin Storyline?

Did you like the Bingo Boffin storyline?

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7 thoughts on “Poll: Did You Like the Bingo Boffin Storyline?”

  1. I loved the concept of a weekly epic story. The quests were mostly very simple, but that was okay. Just half an hour of fun, following that Hobbit. Hope for a follow up. (Bingo, or whatever… as long as ite’s a weekly epic story).

  2. They were super cute and he was a pain and didn’t help fight but I loved him so much and just want to huggle the dear little Hobbit <3 <3

  3. Bilbo Boffin definitely have more adventures, if compared with the trilogy of The Hobbit (films) who leaves Bilbo Baggins in the background.

    I hope see Bilbo Boffin in Minas Tirith, maybe?

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