The HOBNANIGANS Chicken game is a pass time enjoyed greatly by players of The Lord of the Rings which comes around every first part of each month.
Now Launching the Hobnanigans Chicken League, where teams of 3 and 6 compete for their place on the Ranking Ladder. Join the Ranking Ladder to become the best team out there!
June Landroval Tournament Results
1st Place Neverlard Chicken Battalion
2nd Place Remnant
3rd Place Cosmo
4th Place Shards of Nimrodrel
Double Elimination 3-Man Team Tournement
Saturday, July 2nd 2pm /servertime @ Hobnanigans Field 2 + 3
First Place: 500 gold Second Place: 300 gold Third Place: 200 gold
Double Elimination 3-Man Team Tournement
Sunday, July 3rd, 1pm /servertime @ Hobnanigans Field 2 + 3
Guaranteed 300 Gold Prize between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
with a potential for more if there are more teams.