After 3 succesful tournaments being ran on Landroval. Critters casual and Wisdom of the Valar are franchising the first ever Hobnanigans league on Evernight. Come join us in a friendly competitive game of chicken football. Come as a team of 3 or show up and enter one of the wildcard teams (team of unpaired players). Play some games, earn some tokens, win some gold and have a blast of time.
Come join and become part of the official league ladder or come to play some casual games with us. The official programme will start on Sunday, July 3rd at 1pm /servertime, 7 pm CET @ Hobnanigans Field 2 + 3. Guaranteed prize pool of 300 g for a 3-team event with increased prizes and payout beyond 3 teams.
Incase you have no idea what a game of hobnanigans is. Check out the Hobnanigans Guide by critters casual.
The HOBNANIGANS Chicken game is a pass time enjoyed greatly by players of The Lord of the Rings which comes around every few months.
Now Launching the Hobnanigans Chicken League, where teams of 3 and 6 compete for their place on the Ranking Ladder. Join the Ranking Ladder to become the best team out there!
You can check out the event page and website for the Landroval editions. To get an idea as to what to expect.
Double Elimination 3-Man Team tournament
Sunday, July 3rd, 1pm /servertime, 7 pm CET @ Hobnanigans Field 2 + 3
Guaranteed 300 Gold Prizepool between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. More will be added beyond 3 teams.
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