The Blue Theatre Song Contest: Order of Proceedings & The Best Seats

The Blue Theatre Song Contest: Order of Proceedings & The Best Seats post thumbnail image

Greetings LOTRO Players,

The Blue Theatre Song Contest – 2.00pm (edt) – Minas Tirith – 2016 Landroval Server.

Please see earlier posts about this event for extra information.

Announcing the Event

Planning Update

Voting Guidelines

Random Draw for Order of Play

Remember! All players, all levels past the intro & all account types can travel to Minas Tirith when paying a Mithril Coin to the South Bree Stable Master.


The Blue Theatre is on the 4th or Players Tier in Minas Tirith.  You will find our venue if you head South then East from the Stable. (There is a vault on the Third tier)

MT BarThere are two free bars just inside the theater and plenty of seating both in and around the auditorium, so much scope for any new or experienced role-player.

This is our first event in The Blue Theatre, Minas Tirith. It would be wise to assume that we may need a little more time to accomodate those with connection problems.

I am optimistic that the event will go without too many problems and look forward to seeing you all there tomorrow.


Order of proceedings:

(All times are server time or Eastern Daylight Time).

1.00pm to 1.45pm Everyone arrives at The Blue Theatre.

2.00pm I, Lilikate will open with a speech at welcoming all to the event.

2.05pm The Ninny Hammers will begin with their opening song Budapest. It will be performed with lyrics, please keep an eye out for the Say Bug.

2.10pm the first band performs, The play order is as follows:

Les Chantefables

The Rolling Kegs

The Andune Ensemble

Instant Play

The Pale Riders

Radagast’s Pipe

The Tiny Duo

*Unique Characters

*Three Clucks and a Duck


* These two bands are as yet unconfirmed, if they don’t join us on the 4th we will have Polnolunie after The Tiny Duo.

Approx 3.10pm The Ninny Hammers will perform All You Need is Love

Approx 3.15pm I will announce winner of The Blue Theatre Song Award as well as the winner of The Buggins Boast. I will announce the opening of the Poll for the Public Voting on

Approx 3.25pm We invite the winners of the Blue Theatre Song Contest to play their song again and then ask the band leader which server we will be going to in 2017.

Thanks all round and close of event.

After the event: I will run the poll for The People’s Choice Award for 4 hours, or until Midnight EDT 4th June.
I will contact the winning band of the people’s choice award leader in due course.


The Best Seats in The Blue Theatre

I would like to share with you all this adapted screenshot. It shows the best spots for hearing the music and seeing the say bubbles. It’s a good idea to approach the stage before the show to avoid the /say bug. Please assume if you cross the line between the carpets where my good Dwarf Zedrock stands you may have to repeat the approach to the stage and back movent to activate the speech bubbles again.

Sadly the sound quality is not so good in most of the seating provided, this is a shame! In the seats on the upper tier only those closest to the stage will be able to see lyrics and hear the music to any reasonable standard.

Remember I will be posting a public poll on for everyone to have a say in deciding the winner of The People’s Choice Award.





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