Dear Players,
I would like to remind bands that on Thursday this week Lizzy and I draw the set order for The Blue Theatre Song Contest.
I would advise all bands that would like to compete to send word to me by any means by Wednesday the 25th May 2016.
Please also send any questions if you are at all puzzled about any aspect of this event.
I will be making another post soon discussing all aspects of the voting procedure. Please check back later in the week for that post! Thank you.
Why is the competition being held in Minas Tirith? That’s likely to greatly reduce the pool of bands that can compete. Yes, that includes ours.
Any character can get to Minas Tirith with a Mithril Coin, from the South Bree Stable Master. Including those at level 5 F2P
The Blue Theatre Song contest is being held in Minas Tirith as this is where the venue is situated. Please refer to past posts about this event for more information. There is still time to enter if any band decides they would like to compete.