The HOBNANIGANS Chicken game is a pass time enjoyed greatly by players of The Lord of the Rings which comes around every few months.
Now Launching the Hobnanigans Chicken League! Where teams of 3 and 6 compete for their place on the Ranking Ladder. Join the Ranking Ladder to become the best team out there!
First server for the League will be on Landroval. If it goes well, we will be expanding to other servers!
The first Tournament of the Hobnanigans Chicken League will be a Double Elimination 3-Man Team game.
May 7th, 4pm @ the Hobnanigans Field 3
First Place: 700 gold Second Place: 300 gold
The Team Captain will need to REGISTER their team to play. Each member does not need to register. ONLY the Team Captain need register the Team itself. Please be sure to only register if you plan to compete in the 3 member or 6 member Tournaments!
See the Team Rankings and other Information @

I’m all for it. I just wish the chicken tokens went into your barter wallet.
Gather 3 total people and follow the link to register your team to compete!