Dear Friends,
The Ninny’s went on an excursion last Thursday.
We want to thank all those who Host Laurelin’s Yard Party. Miss Acorne and Miss Toadflax and all you other music loving Laurelin Hobbits and Free Folk: Thank You we felt very welcome and were honoured to play for everyone.
Miss Toadflax sang a wonderfull set of songs with LOTRO-ified lyrics. I provided the arrangements. After that we performed some of our “wordy” songs.
Today another Saturday rolls around, it only means one thing for The Ninny Hammers. It’s concert day!
We will be in our usual spot on Bree Stage on Landroval, probably layered. If you need to find us in those layers please send Lilikate a tell and I will invite you into our Raid so you can wrangle over. As well as other Ninny’s who can’t find me I’ll be in Bree from 1.00pm server time.
The Ninny Hammers: 2.00pm Server time (est).
Don’t forget you can also find us on chat channel /LandrovalMusic.
If you would like to see more of my creative LOTRO content please have a look at my LOTRO blog page as well as my new full sized Gallery of extra special landscape screen shots.