We have returned to the Golden Wood. Will we be able to remain?
Book 7 – The The Leaves of Lórien
We left the mines
And to Lórien returned
To find the friends
Of the fallen wizard.
We hunted orcs
That haunted the wood
And leaned of the grief
Of the Garrison of Iron.
They sent us back
To the baleful dark
Where we found a garden
Fouled by the deep.
A caerog did creep
From the cracks below
Forcing us to face
A foe from the dark.
The garden did give
A gift we needed
As it led to the lair
Of the leader of the orcs.
We trod the path
And trounced the orcs
Then found the seat
Of savage Mazog.
We caught the chief
At his chair unguarded:
Mazog a prisoner we made.
Can we use this chance
To change the fate
Of the dwarves who dwell in Moria?
What do you mean we can’t just kill him?
Pineleaf Needles