We seek some help from the Golden Wood.
Book 6 – The Shadowy Abyss
We reached the light
And Lórien found
Where a plea we gave
For the Garrison Dwarves.
After testing our worth
They told us they sent
A team of elves
Into the terrible dark.
They started their study
In the stony foundation
Where nameless and nasty
Nightmares did dwell.
For the Lóreien elves
We learned that Mazog
Sought to build his forces
With the Foundation’s hordes.
We scoured the depths
Of the skyless realm
And found a hat
That fell from above.
From Gandalf it came
When he gave his life
To let his fellows
Flee from the mines.
We found our foes
In the Foundations of Stone
Who summoned a sinister fiend.
This devilry we stopped
To stem the spread
Of darkness in Durin’s old dwelling.
Alas, there is still more to do.
Pineleaf Needles