Critters casual – Minimal VIP for Max result

While being a VIP isn’t the cheapest way to get a premium account. It does come with plenty of extra options that you would eventually get when you play a bit more.  The most common point at which most people go for a 1 month VIP subscription is at level 15 to 20. At that time the restriction on mail, AH, swift travel, gold cap and bags will become a small to large obstacle to your certain playstyles. Some people wait for level 30 to skip buying Evendim and whatever 40-50 area you will level.

During VIP

During VIP you don’t have to pay for any questpack. But after VIP/subscription ends you will lose access to them until you buy them or subscribe again.

During VIP you will have free access to all questpacks. But not any bonuses an expansion pack will give. You can do the quests in Moria, but you won’t have extra classes like the Runekeeper or Warden.  Besides the bonuses you get while your VIP you will keep some additional bonuses that you won’t get when you just go for premium.

Benefits of VIP after it ends

All characters that log in or are created during the VIP period will keep the bonusses. Any character after VIP won’t have these. Just the premium benefits!

So if you can make any characters you plan on making. You don’t have to level them. Just log in to get the bonuses.

  • 500 monthly TP points
  • all trait slots unlocked for all your characters on all servers
  • swift travel from all travel NPC’s
  • riding skill quest for all your characters at/past level 20
  • all 5 inventory bags unlocked
  • currency cap of 2g(free player)/5g(premium player) lifted
  • access to all quest packs
  • all skirmishes
  • shared wardrobe(20 slots)
  • rest xp
  • unlimited monster play
  • destiny points spend
  • 30 auction listings

All the bold items will remain for your characters after your VIP ends. All the bags, riding skills and trait slots will total far more cash you would need to spend if you would buy the TP’s. Clearly this wont count if you farm them. But VIP for 1 month is the single best long-term way to get a premium account. There is a cheaper short-term way to get a premium without the above benefits if you want. Which will be discussed in the next guide.

How to VIP and dont forget to unsubscribe

Montly VIP is nearly never on sale. But gets cheaper the longer you subcribe for it. But at this time it will cost you $ 15/E 13 for 1 a month VIP. But don’t forget to unsubscribe afterwards. It will renew if you don’t. IF you cancel it you remain VIP for the remainder of the 30 days. It won’t dissappear. Sometimes there are sales for the 6+ month plans. Myself got a $90 12 month plan after being premium for a few years. The total TP’s will be nearly the same as a $90 straight point packet.

Log in to the correct account. Select your wanted subscription plan. Wait a while before you unsubscribe to be save. Depending on your payment option it won’t register in 1 minute.

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