This week’s featured events:
Forte’s Academy of Music officially opens their Landroval school and Concert Hall at 9 Chestnut Street in the Middleham neighborhood of the Breeland homesteads this Saturday at 4pm EDT. Music will be performed by students and alumni. The Academy offers a series of weekly in-game music lessons every month on playing and transcribing songs.
There will be a series of special concerts around LOTRO this weekend:
- Head to Belegaer on Friday at 5pm EDT/22:00 CET for a night of prog rock from bands like Genesis, Pink Floyd, Camel, ELP, and Yes presented by Die Frische Brise in Ost Guruth.
- On Saturday at 2pm EDT/18:00 GMT/21:00 MSK Polnolunie will present Tears of Spring, a concert of melancholy songs for Laurelin on the Prancing Pony Stage.
- No Whole Bard plays A Concert of Ice and Fire for Crickhollow on Sunday at 7am EDT/10pm AEDT at the Prancing Pony Stage, featuring songs inspired by the characters and events of Westeros (the concert will be repeated for Landroval on April 3rd at 7am EDT/9pm AEST).
- Also on Sunday, the White Flames will present the songs of Queen for Laurelin at 2:30pm EDT/19:30 BST on the stage at Twinfall Path in the Gúndalaf neighbourhood of the Falathlorn homesteads.
Daylight Savings Time is already in effect for most of the US, but Europe will not switch their clocks until March 27th. The current offset between server time and UK time is 4 hours, but on Sunday it will once again be 5 hours. All events are listed in Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT)/server time, but an additional time zone is listed for EU server events. You may add events or post corrections in the comments section, but the fastest and best way to get it on this page is to submit a form. I’m always open to feedback and suggestions, both here and through the submissions form, so let me know if there’s something we should feature. Thanks for reading!
Friday, March 25
Die Meisterbarden von Bree
Server: Gwaihir
Time: 3pm (7pm GMT)
Location: Bree Auction Hall
Description: Concert
Server: Laurelin
Time: 4pm (8pm GMT)
Location: Plough and Stars Inn, Brockenborings, The Shire
Description: Lively, lore-relevant hobbit night at the Inn. Bring a riddle, a song, a poem or a story if you like! Please note this is a hobbit preferred roleplaying event, with travelling dwarves welcome.
A Rock and A Hard Place
Server: Gladden
Time: 4pm
Location: Bree West Gate, opposite the Stables
Description: Concert
Die Frische Brise präsentiert die Nacht der Progressiven Töne
Server: Belegaer
Time: 5pm (22:00 CET)
Location: Ost Guruth, The Lone-lands
Description: Concert (songs from 1960s and 70s progressive rock bands)
Hobbit Hospitality
Server: Landroval
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Andy Brockhouse’s tent outside the Shire homesteads gate
Description: Shopping for a new smial in the Shire Homesteads? Can’t recall in which crate you packed your frying pan? In need of a snack or something to wet your whistle? Hospitality Hobbits will be posted at Andy Brockhouse’s tent outside the Homestead Gate with comforts to smooth your move.
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 9pm
Location: The Prancing Pony, Bree
Description: Share your new or favorite tunes and tales, have an ale or two, kick up your heels in a dance, and enjoy yourself! Role-players are warmly welcomed.
Warm Warders Welcome
Server: Landroval
Time: 9pm
Location: The Shire
Description: The Warders of the Weald play each Friday at various locations throughout the Shire. If you can’t find them, send out a /regional request asking.
Saturday, March 26
The Breakfast Club
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 1pm
Location: South Bree Stables
Description: Concert
Polnolunie presents Tears of Spring
Server: Laurelin
Time: 2pm (18:00 GMT/21:00 MSK)
Location: Prancing Pony Stage
Description: Melancholic lyrical concert
The Ninny Hammers
Server: Landroval
Time: 2pm
Location: Bree-Town Stage
Description: Concert
Western & Central Gondor Roving Threat Raid
Server: Landroval
Time: 2:30pm
Location: Western & Central Gondor
Description: Members of Sleepless Knights start calling for fellows at 2:30 in /world, and the raiding begins at about 3:00 once the group is filled. So keep an ear out early if you wish to get a spot.
Under The Sunlit Sky
Server: Landroval
Time: 3pm
Location: Outside the Prancing Pony, Bree
Description: Concert
Forte’s Academy of Music presents Grand Opening Concert and March Graduations
Server: Landroval
Time: 4pm
Location: The Academy, 9 Chestnut Street, Middleham, Bree Homesteads
Description: See featured events
Dulcet Tones
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 4:30pm
Location: Prancing Pony Stone
Description: Concert
Server: Landroval
Time: 6pm
Location: Bree Town Stage
Description: Concert
Little to No Drama
Server: Landroval
Time: 7pm
Location: Prancing Pony Stables
Description: Concert
Instance Night
Server: Landroval
Time: 8pm
Location: Meets at the Mustering Hill between the stables and crafting hall in Michel Delving
Description: Instance night open to all levels and classes, contact Miss Lerillos
Animal House
Server: Landroval
Time: 9pm
Location: Prancing Pony Stable Courtyard.
Description: Concert
Bards, Beers, and Longbeards
Server: Landroval
Time: 11.59pm
Location: Prancing Pony Stage, Bree-Town
Description: Concert
Sunday,March 27
No Whole Bard presents A Concert of Ice and Fire
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 7am (10pm AEDT)
Location: Prancing Pony Stage
Description: Concert with songs of the characters and events of fabled Westeros
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 11am
Location: The Bird and Baby Inn
Description: Tell stories, share poetry, sing, dance, or eat: it’s all up to you! Play music solo or with a group. Role-playing is encouraged. The doors are open to folks of all shapes and sizes.
Breemarsch der Durins Faust der Gerechten
Server: Belegaer
Time: 2pm (20:00 CET)
Location: Bree West Gate
Description: Es gehört schon beinahe zur Tradition der Zwergengemeinschaft “Durins Faust der Gerechten” an jedem Sonntag einen Marsch durch die Menschenstadt Bree, im gleichnamigen Breeland, zu machen.
Western & Central Gondor Roving Threat Raid
Server: Landroval
Time: 2:30pm
Location: Western & Central Gondor
Description: Members of Sleepless Knights start calling for fellows at 2:30 in /world, and the raiding begins at about 3:00 once the group is filled. So keep an ear out early if you wish to get a spot.
The White Flames present A Tribute to Queen
Server: Laurelin
Time: 2:30pm (19:30 BST)
Location: Stage on Twinfall Path in Gúndalaf neighbourhood, Falathlorn homesteads
Description: Concert
The Andune Ensemble
Server: Landroval
Time: 3pm
Location: Bree Stage
Description: Concert
Roving Threats Night
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 6pm
Location: starting location varies week to week
Description: All characters able to take on level 100 threats are welcome to join. Contact Dallofin or look for announcements in world channel starting at 5:45pm.
Ruthless Raiders
Server: Landroval
Time: 6pm
Location: Mirkwood
Description: Folks level 60+ welcome, contact Ayrhawk
Monday, March 28
Server: Landroval
Time: 1pm
Location: Ettenmoors
Description: Creep raids
Instant Play
Server: Gwaihir
Time: 2pm (7pm BST)
Location: West Bree Stables, Bree-Town
Description: Concert
Server: Evernight
Time: 2pm (7pm BST)
Location: Bree
Description: Music followed by a game of Hide & Seek in Bree
Michel Delving Market
Server: Laurelin
Time: 2:30pm (7:30pm GMT)
Location: Michel Delving, The Shire
Description: Bi-weekly hobbit market, especially good for young hobbits setting out on their journeys.
Nibbles and Nobs / Ales and Tales
Server: Landroval
Time: 8:30 Nibbles – 9:30 to 11:30 A&T
Location: Dunharrow, Rohan
Description: Volunteer to tell a tale, sing a song, recite a new poem, anything you wish to share with others in an RP setting. Nibbles and Nobs offers an open stage to all performers, while Ales and Tales features a house band and scheduled performers (all are welcome to sign up). Location changes every week, so /joinchannel alesandtales to find out this week’s location.
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 11pm
Location: Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.
Description: Tell stories, share poetry, sing, dance, or eat: it’s all up to you! Play music solo or with a group. Role-playing is encouraged. The doors are open to folks of all shapes and sizes.
Tuesday, March 29
Suicidal Monster Mob
Server: Landroval
Time: 1pm
Location: Ettenmoors
Description: Creep raids
Michel Delving Market
Server: Laurelin
Time: 3:30pm (7:30pm GMT)
Location: Michel Delving, The Shire
Description: Bi-weekly hobbit market, especially good for young hobbits setting out on their journeys.
Server: Landroval
Time: 9pm
Location: Rohan (contact Baronkio)
Description: Weekly text based sim roleplay
Mythgard Adventures
Server: Landroval
Time: 9:30pm
Location: 2 Frothing Road, Eldinggraf, Thorin’s Hall homesteads
Description: Come one, come all–Mythgard Kinship offers lore and adventures! A brief lore talk led by kin leader Wigend (aka the Tolkien Professor) is followed by group play (instances or once-a-month skirmishes) led by Skirmish Master Pineleaf Needles. We use webinar for lore talks – limited to 100 attendees. Meet at the Mythgard kin house at 2 Frothing Road, Eldinggraf, Thorin’s Hall homesteads. Contact Faervenen or Elensariel in-game for further details.
Wednesday, March 30
Little Wanderers present The Night of the Muses
Server: Laurelin
Time: 2:30pm (7:30pm BST)
Location: Eldar Monument in Michel Delving, The Shire
Description: The Little Wanderers play a concert, but afterwards others are welcome to join in the action by playing their own songs
Server: Laurelin
Time: 3pm (20:00 BST)
Location: Thorin’s Hall Inn
Description: Get together to share songs, tales, and have a good together and an ale or six! This is a dwarf only event but all Dwarrow friends are welcome.
Hûd i Eledhrim (Hall of Fire) Wednesdays
Server: Laurelin
Time: 3pm (20:00 BST)
Location: Hall of Fire, Last Homely House, Rivendell
Description: Come for converse, food and drink, music and song, poetry and tale-telling!
Server: Landroval
Time: 8:30pm
Location: Bree-Town Park across from the jail, Bree-Town
Description: Concert
Bright Star
Server: Landroval
Time: 9:30pm
Location: Bree-Town Park across from the jail, Bree-Town
Description: Concert
Thursday, March 31
Stammtisch zum Efeubusch
Server: Belegaer
Time: 2pm (20:00 CEST)
Location: Gasthaus Efeubusch (Ivy Bush, Hobbiton, The Shire)
Bird & Baby Yard Party
Server: Laurelin
Time: 2:30pm (7:30pm BST)
Location: Outside of the Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving, The Shire
Description: When there is a scheduled event, feel free to play music, tell stories or whatever during breaks, but we ask that you yield the stage to the evening’s main act at their discretion.
Concerning Hobbits Pub Party
Server: Landroval
Time: 8:30pm
Location: Bird n’ Baby, Michel Delving, The Shire
Description: These weekly parties feature games, music, pies, light RP, prizes, and fireworks. Party games include the Bad Joke Contest, Riddle Game, Hide-a-Hobbit, and more.
Eriador Music Society
Server: Landroval
Time: 10:30pm
Location: Founder’s Statue, Michel Delving, The Shire
Description: Concert
Coming soon:
In other special concert news, don’t forget about the Hope’s Jesus Christ Superstar on Landroval April 2 and Brandy Badgers present: The Haunting of the Bridge Inn, a musical based on the works of Bruce Springsteen on Laurelin April 3.
Looking back:
Zedrock captured every performance from last weekend’s Day on the Greenfields music festival. Each one is well worth watching and rewatching! Floradine Strongfoot captured this great image from Die Bunten Vögel’s performance on Day 1:
Dont forget to add this event again
20:00 server time. 19:00 UK Time.
I am so sorry! I’ll have it on its proper fortnightly schedule from here on out.