Don’t the critters have no need for a budget? Sure they can eat straight from the environment in Middle-Earth?
Yes they can. That’s why this series will focus on how to get most out of lotro without breaking your vault in Bree. Lotros first big influx of new players that don’t want to spend too much real world cash came in when lotro turned into non-subscription based mmo. No longer did you have to balance is this update or new instance worth it me paying for a month of vip. Or when you got too few hours in game to justify having that subscription. A lot of guides, tutorials or video’s are from that era. They are either outdated, have incorrect information or are just lost in the Numorian seas that went down with the Lotro lorebook and other websites.
What will be in these updates?
I’ll answer questions about what options you have to play lotro without spending too much cash. Though this wont be a complete guide to do lotro on a f2p account. I’d like to balance references to good existing guides (most are still excellent, but scattered around the internet), answers to frequently asked questions that you will see on your /world a million times and suggestions to make that limited time you got to spend in lotro as pleasant as possible.
What do you mean?
How can i get a horse?, I got .. area. What do i get now? What do i get when i get VIP? Most of you will have seen these questions somewhere. Most of them have an answer that’s generally accepted like get Evendim first. But how to get a horse and vip has changed over the years (no more sam gamgee starterpack available since a few weeks for example). Or google will come up with an old post on the lotro forums Is lotro really f2p? from 2013 or upgraded by turbine (yes they do that) Emote guide.
First link to get it started
This guide gives an excellent route to get fast and easy Turbine points by doing a few exploration deeds and slayer deeds for 200 tp’s in a few hours. Which should be bearable for nearly everyone and get your first few regions unlocked to play your characters a bit further in Middle-Earth then the Lone Lands. It’s easy to read, cleanly illustrated, to the point and updated in 2016.
Turbine Points Farm Guide 2016
Critter contact and schedule
Where are the critters? I decided to keep this series under the Critters brand. In the future they will help me with this series and future updates on casual guides. And of course to confuse people with the acronym CC. casual critters, critter casual, critter contact or why do i need a Credit Card for a budget series :)?
This series won’t have a fixed schedule like Critters Journey. A lot more research and text is involved in these. 29th of february is a nice date to start (no need for expensive jubilea pies for a couple of years). The next one will be in a little while.
As usual, any questions and suggestions are welcome. Want a question answered sooner than another in this series. Let me know.
Or skip the entire series
If you made it this far. You’d obviously like to play lotro. With some luck you wouldnt need to budget lotro. Lotroplayers is having a 1-year vip give away. Convenient timing for my series.